5 Things Harry Loves About Your Pussy

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AN: i couldn't come up with more than 5, sorry. i know its slightly shorter than the one about Harry's cock.

This contains: talks of the female vagina

{ any!harry (boyfriend, husband, or dad!harry) - 2021 Harry era }

All the things Harry loves about your pussy and everything surrounding it.


1. Harry loves the look of your pussy. Unlike Harry who has the perfect cock that looks straight out of a porn video, you don't have the perfect vagina and that's why he loves it. He loves and appreciates the female genitals of any shape and size. He wants to make you feel proud of what you have because every body is unique and different. You have bigger pussy lips, and surrounding your lips are puffy bits of skin (labia majora) that swell when you become aroused. Your clit is the perfect size. Not too small that you or someone wouldn't be able to find it, but not too big that it looks like a micro penis. Harry just thoroughly loves every aspect of your cunt.

2. Harry loves your pubic hair. When you first got into a relationship many years ago, you were very self conscious about having hair down there because you have been looked down upon in past relationships for even just having stubble. With Harry, he tells you that it's perfectly fine you have some hair on your vagina. You don't mind him having pubes, so it would be shit of him to care if you had some. Though you will occasionally shave for the summer months when wearing a specific swim suit or just when you randomly feel like it, most of the time you are too lazy to shave and just stick to trimming. In your relationship now, you feel fully comfortable having pubic hair because of Harry's positive reaction to it. When he sticks his hand in your pants to make you feel good, sometimes he'll twist and twirl the hairs with his fingers. Or when eating you out, he'll lick into your pubes for fun. Mainly just teasing you until his mouth is where you want him most. He loves the smell of your pubes after you have showered and they have the scent of your body wash. Overall, Harry loves that you now embrace being natural and that you don't shave all the time because you know he secretly loves you having pubic hair.

3. Harry loves the taste of your pussy. He's ate many girls out in his life since being sexually active, but you have tasted the best out of all others he's tasted before. It may have to do with your healthy diet or maybe it's just how you naturally are, but he could drowned in your juice's all day if you'd let him. You aren't necessarily sweet but more so tangy. Harry understands it's not going to be the best taste in the world because he's realistic and knows it's a vagina after all, not the worlds purest liquids. But that's why he loves your taste. It's a normal and natural taste for what a pussy is suppose to be like. It never tastes like any of the stereotypes people try and label vaginas out to be. It's the taste of a healthy and functioning pussy.

4. Harry loves how your pussy feels around his cock. Your slick walls squeeze his dick so tight every time you have sex together. Never have you ever been loose for him. Once again, out of all the pussy Harry has fucked in his life before your relationship begun, no one compares to how you feel when he's balls deep inside your cunt.

5. Harry loves how wet your pussy gets. You never have trouble becoming wet. Sometimes you'll get wet and not intend to which you'll feel embarrassed about. He loves how you'll become wet just by making out with him. Or how you'll get wet at the sight of his naked body, even when he's not naked for sexual reasons. Like when getting dressed in the mornings or showering. Foreplay is never necessary in your sex life because by the time foreplay starts, you are usually already dripping for his large cock. But that doesn't mean Harry skips over foreplay just because you don't particularly need it most times. No, he always takes the time to enjoy a bit of foreplay with your body and loves to see how much more wet he'll make you become. There have been a few times you have gotten a little too wet and his cock kept slipping out of your vagina. So he had to pull out, dry you up a bit with a towel near by, and stick his dick back in to continue thrusting in and out of your pussy.

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