8 Things You Do When Showering Together (FLUFFY)

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AN: sometimes i feel like i suck at these because i draw blanks as to what else i could include. and don't worry, a smutty list of things you do when showering together will come soon.

This contains: fluff, mentions of body parts, making out

{ any!harry (boyfriend, husband, or dad!harry) - any Harry era of your choice }

The things you do when showering together but specifically non sexual showers.


1. Just hold your body to his, swaying back and forth, and allow the warm water to cascade over your bodies. It would be silent besides the sound of the water hitting the shower floor and your skin. Nothing about your bodies pressed into each others would be sexual and you wouldn't turn it sexual either. Its just a two lovers embracing each other and loving the feeling of your bodies touching one another in such a vulnerable way: naked and wet.

2. Harry will hunch his back over, sometimes even pressing his forehead into your shoulder, and allow you to shampoo his hair. When his back hunches over, you reach forward and massage the soapy shampoo through-out his brown locks. He lets out sighs of contentment, loving the feeling of your manicured nails scratching at his scalp. When Harry decides to rest his head on your shoulder, back technically still bent, you reach up and rub the shampoo in his hair that way. Sometimes when washing Harry's hair, you make him have funky hairdo's like a soap mohawk or you spike all his hair straight up. You both laugh when he pokes his head out the glass shower doors and looks at the foggy mirror ahead, just barley seeing his reflection, and thinks its the funniest thing ever. Then you'll help remove the shampoo with the detachable showerhead, making sure not to get soap in his eyes.

3. Harry will wash your body with care. Though this sometimes leads to sexual things, when you take non sexual showers, it feels different. Almost in a parental way except you wouldn't want a parent to stand in the shower with you and bathe your naked body. He'll take your luffa after adding your body wash on it and glide it over your body. When he gets to your breast, he'll gently cup them on the side with his hand and make sure to be extra careful around your nipples because the luffa can sometimes be a bit abrasive to the areolas. Then when he gets down to your legs, Harry will kneel down on the shower floor and run the soapy luffa up and down your legs, getting them nice and clean. When it comes to washing your vagina, you use a special soap for that and you defiantly don't use the rough luffa you use for your body. And Harry knows this so he'll grab the soft wash cloth you have laid out and add your vaginal soap, before reaching down between your legs and caressing your lady bits carefully, making sure not to irritate it. This can lead to you becoming aroused but not always. After completely washing over your entire body, sometimes he'll detach the shower head and rise your body that way, and other times, you'll just maneuver around and stand under the falling water, allowing the soap to slide down and off your body.

4. Harry washes your hair as well. He'll squirt some shampoo into his palm and bring his hand up to your hair, massaging it in your long locks. Unlike when you washed his hair, you'll face away from Harry. That way you can lean your head back and allow your hair to flow down your back, giving him better access. Harry will scrub the shampoo into each strand of your hair and scratch your scalp knowing you love a good ole scalp massage. His finger tips does magic to your head and it makes you become very sleepy. Then when he's coated all your hair with the shampoo and gave you a mini scalp massage, he'll take the detachable shower head and rinse the soap out of your hair.

5. You wash his body. Harry loves to be pampered and have someone else wash his body for him from time to time. And specifically when you wash his body because you have the softest touch in his opinion and he loves how you focus your attention on him as you run his blue luffa over his tattooed skin. You take your time, making sure Harry's body gets thoroughly cleansed with his manly scented body wash. And when you get to his groin area, you'll bend down and run the luffa over his soft (sometimes unintentionally hardening) shaft and then lift his penis up, gently washing his balls thoroughly. I mean you do have his penis and balls in your mouth alot so the least you're going to do is make sure they are in the cleanest state possible. When you've washed his whole body, he usually just stands under the raining water and allows the soap to run off his body that way.

6. Make out with each other. This isn't classified as something sexual because when making out, it's usually slow and passionate. You'll stand either right under the cascading water or a little bit off to the the side. Water rolling down your bodies, Harry's wet curls will stick to his forehead and cheek, tickling your face. His tongue will enter your mouth and and you'll suck on the pink muscle, loving how dirty it feels to do such. Not going to lie, most times this does lead to more sexual things but in the moment, you both focus on how soft and warm the others mouth is and forget about the throbbing between your legs. Sometimes you can get carried away, lost in the passionate make out session, and come to realize you've been kissing for so long your lips are sore and the shower water has turned cold.

7. Make him sing for you. Because Harry is a professional singer, he has an incredible voice but in the shower, his voice echoes wonderfully off the shower walls. Sometimes he'll show off his vocal abilities and belt out the highest notes he can reach and sometimes he'll sing a bit more quietly. Like when you're embracing each other, swaying back and forth. Then he'll sing very low and softly, to fit the peaceful mood.

8. He'll help you shave. Harry has never strayed away from body hair and couldn't care less to whether you have any or not. But you always enjoy smooth legs and he'll take your razor and go over your shaving cream lathered legs as they're propped up on the shower seat, making sure to be careful as not to cut you. Then when it comes to your vagina, you don't always shave it, mostly just trim the pubic hair, but in the summer time when you want to wear bikinis, Harry will help you shave what you can't see. Sometimes you'll feel shy as he's doing it but he reassures you that there is nothing to be embarrassed about and he's glad to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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