5 Intimate Things You & Harry Do That Isn't Inherently Sexual

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AN: you may send in some more ideas for this and if i have enough, i'll make a part two

This contains: nakedness, use of the words- cock, pussy, cunt, clit, penis, vagina, balls, boobs

{ husband!harry }

word count: 750


1. Cuddle in the bathtub. Sometimes when you've had a stressful day, Harry will run you a warm bath to share together. And unlike most couples who share baths, you don't sit in front of his body and lean against his chest. No, you straddle his body. Arms around his neck and legs around his lower back. Your boobs will be pressed to his tattooed chest. He had to reach down and adjust his penis so you aren't sitting on it funny. You'll lay your head on his shoulder and close your eyes. Letting the steam from the tub mixed with the lavender oils relax you. Harry will lay against the back of the tub while caressing up and down your naked back. The entire thing is intimate but not at all made sexual.

2. Sleep naked. You usually always sleep naked. Though sometimes that leads to foreplay and sexual touches or sex, most of the time it isn't. Well at least at night time. After your showers and nightly routines, you'll climb in the sheets together, both being very naked. Sometimes you'll spoon Harry or he'll spoon you. Sometimes you'll lay right on top of his body. And sometimes Harry will lay across your body. No matter the position you cuddle each other in, the feeling of each others skin on the other is so delightful and cozy. The entire thing is intimate but not at all sexual.

3. Showering together. Yes, some showers you have you purposely make sexual, but when you want to actually get cleaned, neither one of you make it that way. Harry will massage shampoo into your hair and you'll do the same to him. Then you both wash each others bodies with their loofah. It's filled with playful laughs and a kiss here and there. Very intimate but not inherently sexual.

4. Shaving one another. Neither of you care if the other has pubic hair. Harry actually prefers you to have a little hair down there. But sometimes you both just want to be cleanly shaven. Mostly in the summer months. That means you'll help each other out by shaving what you can't see on your own body's. Harry will stand in the tub and you'll crouch down beside it. Then with one leg propped up on the edge, you'll carefully cradle his balls that's coated in shaving foam in your hands and graze the razor over them gently. Then he'll cup his cock to protect it and you'll pass the blade over his mound, removing all his curly hairs. When it comes to you, its done very similarly. You'll stand in the tub with one leg on the side and Harry will crouch down outside the bathtub. Then he carefully glides the razor over your foam covered vagina. He's always very attentive while doing it as well. Very concentrated so he doesn't accidentally cut you. When he gets close your lips or clit, he'll protect them with his fingers and pull them to one side, making sure to remove the hair that grows beside them. After that, Harry shaves your hairy mound before using the shower head to rise off all your the shaven hairs and left over foam (making sure to not keep it on your cunt too long so he doesn't end up stimulating your clit by accident). Intimate but not made sexual.

5. Walking around the house naked. You are both very confident in your own bodies around each other, so casually walking around naked is normal to you guys. It can be when you're doing your nightly routines in the bathroom before bed. Standing beside each other at your doubled sink vanity. Your boobs slightly sagging. Harry's cock and balls hanging and sometimes swinging between his legs. It can be when you decide to have a game of naked tag in your backyard at night that leads to you going skinny dipping in the dark. Or it can be when you're getting dressed for whatever the occasion might be. Date night. Red carpet event. Or just dressing in lounge wear. You'll be bumping into each others naked bodies, trying to maneuver in your walk-in closet. Whatever the case may be, its very intimate but not sexual in the least bit.

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