Soft!Harry During Sex (10 Things List)

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This contains: sexual intercourse, blowjobs, pussy eating, fluff

{ boyfriend!harry or husband!harry or dad!harry - soft!harry }

word count: 832

10 things soft!harry does when you're having sex or being intimate in general.


1. Very delicately holds your long hair back and away form your face when you're giving him a blowjob. Like Harry isn't putting any force in his hold that would lead to you being forced too far down and choke, but it's just enough so your hair isn't in your way and Harry can see your beautiful face as you pleasure him orally.

2. When you're riding his cock and get too tired, you'll end up having to lay down on top of Harry's tattooed chest and allow him to buck up into your cunt due to your weakened hips. And while you're laid flush with his chest, he'll graze his rough fingers over your back in a soothing manner, while his feet are planted into the mattress and he's thrusting into you. You'll have your head shoved in Harry's sweaty neck and concentrate on Harry and how he's taking care of your body for you, knowing you got too tired.

3. When having sex in missionary, Harry will have his face pressed against the side of your face and sometimes lightly massage at your scalp, tugging your roots gently.

4. Or in missionary when his face is pressed to the side of your head, hips rolling into yours slowly, he'll be whispering words of encouragement or words of a loving matter in your ear. Just to remind you how good you are for him or how much he loves you.

5. When Harry is eating you out, he'll have one hand laid over your opened thigh to hold your legs open, and his other hand will be resting on your stomach with your fingers incased with his. Basically holding hands. Harry does this so you'll have something to hold on to and squeeze when the pleasure becomes too much, but to also just feel close to you in general.

6. Constantly communicate with you. Harry is big on communication when having sex and he wants to make sure you are comfortable at all times. So whenever he changes positions or whenever he randomly thinks to ask, he'll ask if you still feel alright or is everything feeling okay. You love that Harry does that because your past partners never communicated to see if you were doing alright and it makes you feel safe whenever Harry has enough courtesy to do that with you.

7. Soft Harry is always up for giggles during sex. He never takes things too seriously. Especially during very slow sex when you're basically just being lazy and not rushing things. If he's on top, he'll say cheeky things in your ear that has you laughing aloud or if you're on top, Harry will look up at your hazy face and crack a joke, leading to you falling forward and letting a contagious laugh ripple through your body, vibrating straight through his.

8. Sometimes when you're riding Harry's cock, he'll play with your sagging boobs. Cupping them in his hands and putting your nipples in his mouth, making your back arch at the gentle touch his warm mouth brings to your tits. He'll have his eyes closed as he sucks on your breasts and you'll even lower down a bit with your arms on either side of his head so he isn't straining his neck to reach them.

9. Ask if you need your clit rubbed. Depending on the position you're in, you'll be stimulating it yourself on his pubic bone or if you can't quite grind into his hairy mound like you'd like, you'll need it rubbed by a hand. And Harry will never let you do it yourself, always wanting to make sure he's the one pleasuring you in all the ways that you need. Therefore, he'll ask to see if you feel like you need him to bring his hand down and stimulate it for you, knowing clitoral stimulation is a must for you to orgasm most times.

10. Loves closeness. Just like the holding hands while eating you out or the rubbing of your back when you're laying over him, riding his cock. So no matter what you're doing sexually, Harry always tries to incorporate little things that bring you both closer together. It can be slipping his hands under your back when he's on top and having your breast press more into his sweaty chest. It can be holding your hands together above your head when making love. Kissing you when he gets the chance as his cock rocks in and out your pussy. Holding you tightly to his body when you ride him. Basically hugging your body to his or vise versa. You personally love all of that . Feeling close to Harry when being intimate is the best feeling in the world.

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