Chapter 5

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"That place was posh. But not stifling at all!" Harry exclaimed as he, Draco, and the twins exited the pure blood club. Preparing to move on to another haunt. "You'll bring me again sometime, right Drake?"

"Absolutely, Potty! We can—Back off! He doesn't want you!" the blond snarled. Harry, George, and Fred turned to find a bird running away from them.

"Draco, did someone slip some kind of jealousy potion in your drink?" Harry asked, staring hard at the twins. "Because you've been growling and snarling at people all night."

"Hey, it wasn't us!" George exclaimed. "First, why would we make him jealous of anyone going after you?"

"And secondly, we would never drug our dear Draco."

"And why are you chasing birds and blokes away from me anyway, Drake?"

"I'm not your dear Draco," the blond growled slowly, completely ignoring Harry's question. "Cease this ridiculousness at once!"

The twins moved like flashes of lightning. Fred moving to press against the blond's back while George pressed his front. Draco squeaked as Fred wrapped a tight arm around his middle to keep him in place.

"You're going to be ours, Malfoy," George promised as he slipped a hand around the back of the blond's head, fingers tangling into his hair. Fred hummed in agreement as he bent to press lips against Draco's neck.

"Unhand me at once! Harry!"

Harry could only stand there and watch the scene unfold. Maybe he wasn't helping as a way to get back at Draco for running off anyone who thought to ask him to dance or buy him a drink. Not that Harry would have agreed to anything from someone who'd been seeking to get into his pants and he really didn't mind Draco running interference, though he did wonder why Draco had been doing it. In truth Harry hadn't wanted to get close to any bloke since Theo's death. And again he wondered why Tom was so different. The thought of being close to Tom didn't instantly make him think of Theo like other blokes did. In fact, the thought of getting close to Tom strangely made him smile in a silly fashion.

Draco sucked in a breath when George pressed in and took advantage of the fact that Draco couldn't move away due to Fred keeping him in place. He slid his mouth over the Slytherin's; sucking Draco's bottom lip in between his teeth while Fred continued to lavish the blond's pale neck with licks and kisses. Harry's mouth parted slightly in a soft pant as he watched George move a hand around to lightly cup the blond's arse and Draco could do nothing but whimper, being pressed in between the twins.

"Give us a try, Draco," murmured George. "Promise you won't regret it."

Draco remained perfectly still or at least he thought he was being still, but Harry could see him trembling and knew it had nothing to do with being disgusted or incensed.

Fred ran the tip of his tongue along the shell of Draco's ear. "Did you like our letter?" he breathed. "My particular favorite is the one where you're sitting on my cock and George is sucking you off."

An unconscious moan passed Draco's lips, his eyes fluttered closed, and he started panting against the mouth very near his own. Victory flashed in George's eyes and he grinned. "Yeah, he likes that one. Feel it against my thigh."

Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing. Draco seriously looked like he was giving in... Then again, he would give in too if he were the Slytherin's shoes right at that moment- and he had been at one point in the past. So it looked like Fred and George were on their way to crumbling Draco's wall. Even now George had covered Draco's mouth again and had somehow coaxed the blond into a kiss and Draco didn't seem to mind at all that Fred's hand was now rubbing against his straining crotch.

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