Chapter 8

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When Harry sat down for breakfast three days later, a scowl immediately formed on his face upon seeing the front page of The Prophet. Leaning forward, he snatched the paper out of Tom's hands.

"That's rude," Tom drawled.

Harry ignored him and studied the large picture of Hermione on the front page. The headline was the same as yesterday, claiming they suspected Hermione of kidnapping her best friend. But today they were giving a reward for anyone who had information on her whereabouts. "They're turning her into a criminal! Ruining her life!"

"You knew there was a very good chance they'd spin it out like this, Harry."

"But I'm not even missing!"

"She's prepared for this."

"I know..." Harry handed the paper back with a sigh. "Doesn't make it any better."

"At least she'll be kept busy. She has something to keep her mind occupied. Her skills will be appreciated here."

Harry smiled a little. "Guess that's true."

"And besides, this little matter will hopefully be cleared up today. For a little time, anyway. I have no doubt they'll try something else, but..." Tom trailed off and shrugged. Tom shrugging like that suddenly made Harry wish there wasn't a small table between them.

He ran a hand through his hair and looked away. "How are you going to clear this up?"

"Me?" Tom asked, his tone laced with amusement. Harry turned back to find him grinning. "No, I was speaking about you. Have you turned me into your savior now?"

"Since you promised to come after me if I were ever captured... then yeah. And how do you expect me to clear this up?"

"You told me once you weren't hiding."

"Still true."

Tom nodded. "You will be making a quick appearance in Diagon Alley and then to The Daily Prophet office. When you return, your first gift will be waiting for you. And you should hurry and be back by three. Floo into the Leaky Cauldron. From there you'll be discreetly followed."

"Yeah, alright," Harry said as he stood. "I'll go now."

"Do not take Draco along with you," Tom said firmly.


"I don't want you seen with suspected Death Eaters on your way to The Prophet."

"But I don't care about that."

Tom stood. "Harry, this once do as I say. I promise the gift will more than make up for it. You'll see Draco later."

"Will you come with me?"

The Dark Lord approached the nervous looking young wizard. "You know I would if I could. I don't really trust anyone else to keep you safe... but you need to do this one alone. It would look suspicious if you walked around with an unknown man. People would suspect I had you under a spell."

Harry fidgeted and looked away. "Actually I meant in your Bunnymort form," he replied softly, ignoring the narrowing of Tom's eyes. "You said you would if you could and this way you can."

When Tom opened his mouth Harry knew it would be a refusal, but he couldn't help but smile hopefully and widen his eyes, making them as big as they could possible go. He really didn't think that would work either. He really hadn't.

Harry hopped out of the Floo in the Leaky Cauldron, his smile wide and catching, with Bunnymort held in arms, resting snugly against his chest. Harry's scar was tingling, telling him Tom was annoyed with both Harry and himself for giving in to Harry's whim. And this only increased Harry's happy mood. If he'd ever had doubts about Tom caring for him, those doubts were now laid to rest. If Tom didn't care for him, he would never have agreed to this. Being carried around like a pet.

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