Chapter 30

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Two days after Tom's return found Harry and Neville in the back garden enjoying the sun and the view the back patio provided. Harry was on a two-way mirror with Hermione discussing the latest week's Silver missions, while Neville was reading over his project journal and trying to keep his spirits up about the project since the last experiment he'd done with Severus had ended in a complete fail. But when he'd been leaving Hogwarts, Professor Snape had walked him out and surprised him by telling him not to give up. They had plenty other avenues to travel before he should begin to think his idea was a lost cause.

"Nathan sleeping?" Harry asked once his call with Hermione had ended.

"Yeah." Neville turned to him. "Thanks for setting up the cellar for him."

"Tom insisted he would do well in the sunroom."

His friend snorted, shaking his head. "He's still angry with him."

"Oh yes. But at least he agreed to let Nathan stay here with you." And he liked Nathan, so he wouldn't have had it any other way. The vampire was fun company.

Neville had arrived just an hour before, and even though he knew Nathan was here and only sleeping, Harry could tell he was disappointed. It had been a few days since they saw each other last.

"You know him," he went on. "He'll be up soon. Sun can't keep him down."

Neville nodded but remained quiet for a time and they both soaked up the sound and scent of the ocean nearby. Finally he turned and said, "did you know he was muggle before being turned?"

"No, I didn't know."

Neville laughed. "Yeah. he's like a kid when it comes to magic. He's been a vampire for a decade, but it's only recently he's really started associating with wizard kind. He's always asking me to show off my magic for him. He finds it fascinating. Says wizard folk are so much more fascinating."

"Let's not advertise the fact he was muggle. Tom still hates them. We don't want to give him any more reason to despise Nathan right now." Neville nodded in agreement. "So then I take it he doesn't have any family to go to."

"Why would you say that?"

"If he were magical, becoming a vampire wouldn't... well, it would be a lot less surprising, I guess. Muggles still think vampires are complete fiction. After a certain time, he couldn't hide the fact he wasn't aging or the fact he can't go outside in the sunlight. So I assumed either he doesn't have family or he hasn't..."

"No, you're right. He hasn't talked to them in twelve years. He'd already left home before being turned. His father threw him out after catching him with a bloke. Out of the house and out of the family. Disowned. Nathan thinks being turned was the best thing that ever happened to him...except," here Neville blushed, "now he says I'm the best thing that's ever happened to him. And our baby..."

Harry nodded firmly. "And he's completely right about that."

"Are you scared?"

Harry turned to find Neville staring at him with clear vivid eyes demanding he tell the truth. Harry didn't need to ask for clarification. He knew exactly what Neville was referring to, especially when light brown eyes dashed down to look at his stomach. He didn't want to lie so he didn't answer. He didn't want Neville getting anxious already. When a hand dropped onto his shoulder, he jumped a little. Quickly looking over his shoulder, he found Draco standing there.

"Yes he is," the blond replied softly. "But he's been trying to hide it from our Lord."

Harry smacked his hand away. "Do you want me to make your fucking cake?" he grit out. Before Draco could answer, he managed to haul himself out of his comfortable chair and was proud of himself for doing so without too much of a struggle. He stepped off the patio and shot a warning look at the two behind him as he did so. The message was clear. Follow me and die.

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