Chapter 25

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Narcissa stepped into the room, smirking at the two sleeping bodies curled around each other on the bed. She crossed the room towards the window, eying the naked backs of the two she considered brothers. "Good morning, boys!" she cried as she threw open the curtains. It was well past sun up and she had been up for hours with Rabastan where they had been stationed at the hospital where Harry's muggle cousin was being cared for. "First, the bad news!" she exclaimed.

"Go away, Narci," Lucius mumbled, tucking his face beneath Severus' shoulder.

"The muggle boy has come out of his coma. And the good news... he cannot remember anything of the time of his accident. He doesn't remember ever seeing the boys."

"Go away," Severus hissed.

She refrained from snickering. Neither had ever been morning persons. "I can't go now! We have things to discuss and I refuse to wait even a minute!"

"Speak then and go away," Severus muttered as he threw an arm over Lucius' back and drew him closer.

"It's been three years, Lucius. Three years since our dear Abraxas passed on. And now our son is grown and is about to be married in a few months, so I really think it's time we've moved on from this charade. We're well past the point where this sort of scandal might cause a problem for our Lord's campaign. Not that any of our circles will say anything about this anyway, because it is you two..."

"What are you on about?" Severus snapped as he twisted around to sit up and spare her a poisonous glare. Lucius sluggishly sat up, half behind and wrapping arms around Severus' middle before placing a kiss on his shoulder. He raised a blond inquiring eyebrow at his wife.

"Lucius, I want a divorce." The blond blinked a moment, still in the grasp of sleep. Severus lifted a brow this time. "I'm tired of being in a false marriage and I'm definitely ready for you two to be properly joined."

"Alright then," Lucius finally said, a bit blindsided, but pleased none the less. "I'll have the papers drawn up today if our Lord agrees. You can have half the Malfoy fortune and Estates."

Severus turned to Lucius in surprise. "Are you even awake? Did you hear what you just said?"

Narcissa laughed. "Wonderful! Also, our Lord has decided he wants his children to be able to associate with progeny of the Snape-Malfoy variety. You should get right on that. You don't want to disappoint our Lord."

Lucius started to laugh because surely she was joking. But his mouth snapped shut upon seeing the serious expression on her face. "But we're almost forty!"

"And you don't look a day over thirty, my dear."

"She does speak truthfully," Severus muttered, eyes turning to rake over his lover's face and down his naked chest, and the desire always in his eyes seemed to burn twice as brightly.

Narcissa nearly giggled as Lucius' cheeks and his chest flushed right before their eyes. It was always so nice to see that the passion they had had as children could last through time. It had never faded. And it would never fade, she was sure.

"It makes sense if you think about it," she went on. "Our Lord has you two, his most trusted. The little lord has Draco, Fred, George, and Hermione. It's only reasonable to assume our Lord will want something like that for his heirs. You are not too old, Lucius. You know you aren't. It is well known you have two decades before age becomes an issue."

Lucius gaped at her.

"Go away," Severus hissed at a thoroughly amused Narcissa while he himself was bewildered beyond measure by her last bit of news.

She smiled, gave them a little wave, and departed. The moment she was gone, Severus rolled over onto Lucius, who looked to be in a shocked stupor. "She was jesting," he croaked.

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