Chapter 24

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Remus tapped his fingers upon his arms as he waited impatiently for Ginny Weasley to be deposited to him. There were three other Death Eaters standing with him, also waiting for students whose parents had been scared into action after the execution. They'd given their loyalty and promised to return their children to school come September 1st, or they would face the consequences.

Most of the students previously released or being released tonight were half bloods. There were no pure-bloods in the school anymore as they'd been returned home soon after the Dark Lord took Hogwarts. Most of the remaining students were Muggleborn and Remus wondered if it had been put into consideration that the parents hadn't owled back because they were muggles and really didn't know what to do. Remus wondered how many of the muggle parents actually cared that their children were being held hostage at the school. He knew not every muggle was a reflection of Harry's relatives- the Grangers for instance- but he knew a fair few reacted the same way, or at least actively became disconnected from their Wizarding children once they found out of their children's abilities. And this also made him wonder just how many students had been hiding their suffering throughout the years.

Minerva appeared with four students. Three of them looked excited to be going home and they immediately walked over to the waiting Death Eaters without fuss. Ginny just looked dull and was dragging her feet. As was usual now days, her head was bent with her hair covering her face, but despite her attempts to hide it Remus could clearly make out the scar. The werewolf could admit it was a vicious looking mark and he felt a spark of pity for her... until she raised her eyes and glared scathingly at him. Her face flushed red in anger and this made the scar stand out even more. Draco Malfoy certainly knew what he was doing by putting it where he did.

He smiled at her, totally unconcerned with her loathing. "Are we all ready? Good."

"Remus," Minerva started softly. "It's being said... many things are being said. About You-Know-Who and Harry. About this Belial character."

"What you've heard is probably the truth."

Minerva's lips pinched into thin lines. "Harry is truly Belial and has married You-Know-Who? He murdered Kingsley and Nymphadora?"

They both ignored Ginevra's gasp and rapidly shaking head.

"All true. Though Shacklebolt and Tonks were executed, Minerva. And at the start Harry was not the one who was supposed to carry out the executions but Tonks threatened his babies and so he took immediate action."

"I don't believe you." Both adults looked to Ginny, whose face was lifted, hands balled into fists. "I don't believe you. Harry would never betray us like that. Harry wouldn't..."

"Harry hasn't betrayed anyone," Remus murmured after sighing. "But he has married the Dark Lord. You best get over that and move on with your life. Dwelling on what will never be will lead you to nothing but more pain. He's happy where he is. Now, are we ready?"

"One more thing," Minerva went on, and again the two ignored Ginny.

"Yes," he asked a little impatiently.

"It's also being said that Ronald Weasley was captured earlier this evening. Is this true?"

Remus took a moment before answering, noticing Ginny didn't seem the least bit concerned about her brother. How could she make such a fuss over Harry and yet seem not at all concerned for her own flesh and blood? "Yes. The young wizard was caught sneaking up on the Dark Lord and Harry- with his wand drawn- during the public gathering. Harry caught him and instructed he be locked up. He'll probably be released after Harry's had a talk with him. He's lucky Harry was there otherwise the Dark Lord would have made it three executions. Anything else, Minerva? I really must be getting on. I have an Alpha to catch and seduce, if you need a painted picture."

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