Chapter 23

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Narcissa watched under half mast eyes as her son bounced from his seat upon the house elf's announcement. She was drowning in the wide excitement and truly happy smile on her son's face as he pranced from foot to foot- very unMalfoy like, she thought with a frown- near the door, waiting. Honestly, she could admit she had not seen her son this happy in so long. Maybe she'd never seen him this happy, or at least, not this kind of happy. And the beautiful shine to his eyes as the door opened to reveal two copperhead scamps...

Narcissa sighed, the rest of her anger and wariness dissipating. They made Draco blissfully happy. And it was clear by the looks on George and Fred's faces that Draco did the same for them. As she watched, she found it rather odd Draco could immediately tell the two apart and she found it remarkable her son was able to split his affection equally to both young men. And the fact she could see how they shared Draco. Threesomes weren't a rare occurrence. She'd heard of a few within her circles, but this was the first time she'd come into close contact with one.

"Draco, love. We've come with a present."

"You didn't need to get me a present."

Narcissa quietly snorted. Oh, Draco. You lovely liar. Just like your father. She smiled when she saw the twins had seen straight through that as well. Apparently they really did know their intended. They grinned at him and shook their heads fondly before turning to look back towards the doorway. Draco looked over their shoulders curiously. He then gasped.


"Draco Malfoy!" a voice shrieked as a witch flew into the room and into Draco's arms. "Not once did I ever read in our exchanged owls that you were engaged to the Weasley twins! I had to read it in the society columns in the paper abroad! Shame on you!"

Draco pushed her back a little so that he could properly look her over. "Pansy... Merlin, Pansy! It's wonderful to see you!" the blond exclaimed, embracing her tightly once more. "I didn't know you were coming back! I would have been sure to throw you a party had I known!"

"Draco!" she shrieked in his face when the embrace ended. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You should have told her," said Fred.

"We wouldn't have had to stalk and kidnap her then," George went on.

"She kept running away from us!"

"Know how long it took to find her?"


"We almost missed our deadline to return."

"I thought it was a trick!" Pansy snapped at them. "I didn't actually believe the engagement nonsense until a few minutes ago."

George snickered. "She really didn't until she realized we'd brought her straight to you."

"I thought it was the flaming Order again. Trying another tactic to get back to Potter, by means of getting to you, which means abducting me..."

"We've won, Pansy dear. The Order is no more," Narcissa said as she stood to go and greet the young woman. "And Fred and George are completely on our Lord's side. They've also proven themselves to Lucius... and to me."

Draco turned and beamed at his mother. The brothers grinned widely, exclaiming, "yes!" and high fived each other.

"And we'll be proving ourselves completely to the Dark Lord tomorrow."

"Ah, yes," Narcissa said as she stopped in front of a wide eyed Pansy. "The executions."

"And that muggle woman."

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