Chapter 27

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"I kind of went mental on Tom last night."

Draco studied him, blue eyes narrowed slightly in thought. "Because of this Longbottom thing. The vampire's sudden departure," he said with some certainty.

Nodding, Harry turned back to the counter. He wasn't surprised Draco figured it out without him having to say anything. And he wasn't surprised Draco knew about Neville. He hadn't told him but he knew either Lucius or the twins would have.

"And so," Draco narrated with a smirk, "Pot Head became super emotional and cried all over our Lord like a baby and by doing that probably traumatized our Lord- which is a funny thought, by the way- and then by the end he soothed you and then shagged you to sleep so that you wouldn't cry on him again."

Harry turned to face him, his expression somewhat embarrassed. "Were you hiding in our room last night?"

"No. I just know how you two function and as soon as I heard what happened I knew this was going to make you think nonproductive thoughts. I very nearly came over last night to make sure you didn't start your depressive shite again, but the fiends said our Lord was well equipped to handle your hormones and insecurities."

"It's not that I actually believe Tom would ever leave me... I just-"

"I know, Harry." The blond's facial expression softened. "Of course I know."

"Draco... I really love you," Harry replied to him after a moment of silence filled with understanding looks between them.

Draco quickly twisted around on his stool, eyes zooming around the kitchen looking for the Dark Lord. In relief, he saw there was only the three house elves Harry had helping him with his baking. When he turned back, Harry was grinning in amusement.

"It's a purely brotherly love, I assure you."

Draco pressed a hand against his chest, taking in a deep breath and trying to expel the fright he'd felt. If his Lord had heard that... "You're a massive prat."

"You know I would never say anything like that in front of Tom. I don't want you hurt or dead."

Draco shook his head, looking back down at the parchments spread out over the table and then two went on with their prospective jobs; Harry practicing cake decorating while Draco went back to working on the business side of the venture. After half an hour he pushed back and stood. "We need employees, Harry. Real employees. We can't cater to all this by ourselves. Especially since you're unable to attend some of these functions. We can afford it," he assured when Harry turned to look at him.

"Yeah, I know that, but... I don't want anyone to know it's us. Not yet, at least."

"Neither do I. But you don't have to worry. I'll disguise myself and hold interviews. I'll take care of all that, Harry. The only thing you'll need to do is meet with the ones I think are acceptable and see if you agree to hire them. At that time you can be glamoured also."

"How many, do you think?"

"I'd say five at the moment."

Harry nodded. "Need help getting that started?"

"No. Like I said, I'll take care of it. You just concentrate on your delicious recipes and your Silver affairs."

Harry stalled in responding when Tally suddenly popped out of the kitchen. It wasn't a minute later when she returned with Neville in tow.

"Hey Neville."



"Hello, Malfoy."

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