Chapter 31

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Standing from the bedside chair when he heard the soft whispers of sound, Tom moved the few short feet away from the bed where his husband rested to stand in front of the crib. The babies, his sons, were awake. Not exactly crying, but stretching those new vocal chords. He placed hands on the wood, staring in at them. His hands tightened as he was swamped with emotion. Falling in love with Harry over time was one thing but this instant warmth and protectiveness concerning the babies was something entirely different and unexpected.

Someone quietly knocked on the door and Tom wandlessly opened it, already knowing who it would be as he recognized that knock. "Was it like this for you when Draco was born?" he asked Lucius without pulling his eyes away from his sons. "Is it normal?"

It was a testament to how well Lucius knew him that his question didn't need to be explained. Lucius silently rounded the bed to stop beside his Lord and peer down for his first look at his Lord's heirs.

"Yes," the blond answered. He slowly reached a hand in, giving his Lord the chance to tell him no, but Tom allowed it and he rested several fingers atop one of the babies soft heads, caressing ever so slightly. "I was afraid, when Narcissa was pregnant. I was afraid I would feel nothing even though I love her like a sister. But I feared I would be bitter due to Draco not being Severus' child... I am uncertain why. I was still young, still angry at my father, at the circumstances. All of that went away the moment Draco came into the world. Children, they hold a power all of their own... this one looks so much like Harry."

"He is Cyril," Tom answered with a nod. "Cyrillus. This one is Alexander." He lay a gentle hand upon the baby on the left. Alexander had been the twin to come into the world crying. Both were awake, staring up at the wizards. Tom wondered if they recognized him as Father. Maybe that was ridiculous. They were only babies after all. However, whenever he spoke their eyes would inevitably move to linger on him. It was powerful and gut wrenching.

"How is everyone?" Lucius ventured, turning to peer at the wizard on the bed. "Harry?"

"Monroe has declared Harry and the boys healthy. There were no complications. In fact the healer was surprised at how healthy the twins are for being newborn twins and premature... but, that is the power of Harry Riddle. He was so afraid..."

"So were you." Tom immediately faced him, eyes red and narrowing. Lucius quickly raised his hands, and bowed his head slightly. "I mean no disrespect, my Lord."

"Then what was your intention?"

"The fact is, Severus and myself... we grew up with you. In a way, you raised us. You are and shall ever be our Lord and Master. We wanted to make that plain."


"Because of him," Lucius answered, gesturing to Harry. "Your relationship with him has changed you in so many ways. We wanted you to know we feel those changes are to your benefit and ours. We never want you to feel the need to question our loyalty. My lord, your sons are going to make you stronger."

"How do you know that?"

"How many times should I have been immediately carted off to Azkaban? Dozens. But I never allowed it to happen because I did not want to put Draco through that. I insured my top position at the Ministry not only for you, but for my son and Narcissa."

"You spoiled your son rotten."

Lucius smiled. "I did, yes. There were times when I was afraid for him. When I wasn't there for him. I suppose I tried to redeem myself in the wrong ways."

"You weren't there for him because of me."

"Yes. And you know I shielded him from you on more than one occasion. When you weren't..."

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