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Every fanfiction needs an Authors Note at the beginning, right?

Hey everyone, I'm Kei. I'm a raging homosexual, and I'm confused with my gender :D

The cover says "written by Keigan Aslan" because I originally started posting this on quotev. If you're interested on checking out that account, my @ is KeiganAslan. (As of November 8th, 2022, I've stopped uploading on that website. It wasn't getting any attention so I decided to just put it here!)

I've read a shitload of these Marvel text fics and I decided to give it a go.

⚠️ story will contain sensitive topics such as eating disorders, anxiety, depression, and perhaps more. Please read carefully and stay safe. ⚠️

⚠️I would also like to make it clear that I am writing these disorders based on my OWN experiences. Everyone's experiences are not going to be the same, and are going to look and feel different. Do not base the validity of your disorder on what I write. You are valid no matter what.⚠️

If anyone has any suggestions just let me know by commenting or DMing me <33

Thank you for clicking on my fanfiction.

Let's get right on into it.

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