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A few days had passed and Peter was already significantly better. Tony had been very persistent that he didn't stand or move by himself, and even went to the point of buying him one of those little electric cars, making sure to get the "Iron Man" paint job. So, in order for Peter to be allowed to leave his room, he had to drive around in the little car with a max speed of 4mph. While it was annoying at times, Peter was immensely grateful. I mean, didn't everyone want one of those when they were kids?

Currently, Peter was driving down the hallway with Tony beside him, attempting to convince the older man to tell Peter what happened to Flash.

"All you need to know is that he's been dealt with," Tony assured, not understanding why Peter was concerned.

"That is not helping me feel better," Peter stated as he turned the wheel to bump into Tony, "It sounds like you did something illegal."

"No comment," Tony teased, and Peter had no idea if he was being serious or not. Peter gave him an unsure eyebrow raise, causing Tony to sigh. "He's not dead, I can assure you of that."

"Once again," Peter began, "That doesn't help me feel better."

"He won't be a problem anymore," Tony said, "And that's all I'm gonna say. End of discussion."

"Oh, hey, Peter," Clint greeted him as he turned the corner and spotted them, "I was just coming to get you."

"What do you want from him?" Tony asked cautiously.

"Geez, why so hostile?" Clint asked, already knowing the answer.

"You took him skydiving one day after Bruce gave him the ok to leave the medical bay." Tony pointedly stared at Clint, earning a shrug from the other man.

"It was one time," Clint stupidly replied.

"Yeah, a one-time thing that could've been really bad," Tony said.

"But it wasn't." Clint winked.

"But it could've." Tony glared. Peter rolled his eyes before speaking up.

"Why were you coming to get me?" Peter curiously asked.

"I was just gonna tell you that your aunt should wake up in a few days and I was wondering if you wanted to play uno," Clint said nonchalantly, completely ignoring Peter's ecstatic expression.

"She'll be waking soon?" Peter grinned, leaning forward in his tiny seat. "Really? You're not just joking with me?"

"Why on earth would I joke about that," Clint raised a confused eyebrow.

"Can I go see her?" Peter turned towards Tony with his puppy eyes, "Please?"

"Why don't we wait until she wakes up?" Tony said, "Give her some extra time to be away from you," He teased, giving Peter a very gentle shove on his shoulder.

"Fine," Peter complied, "But as soon as she wakes up I will be there. I don't even care if you don't allow me to, I will be there."

"I know, kid," Tony gave him a gentle look, "I wouldn't dream of keeping you from her."

"Anyway," Clint shifted his weight between his feet, "Do you wanna come play uno with us? Or monopoly? You can choose."

"Sure," Peter smiled, "Who'll all be playing?"

"Everyone, even Loki," Clint stated, "You comin' Tony?"

"I'll come just to keep an eye on you, but I won't play," Tony said.

"What, you scared you'll lose?" Clint poked Tony, "Wow, I can't believe the Iron Man is afraid of losing."

"Okay, Clint, you know what?" Tony lifted his head high and straightened his back, "It is so on."

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