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Tony waltzed throughout his lab, adding numbers and signs to different equations and giving Friday commands that the average person wouldn't understand.

"Tony," Bruce said, interrupting said man from whatever he was doing. "You got this equation wrong."

"Yeah, right." Tony rolled his eyes and walked over to the whiteboard where said equation was written in a red expo-marker. He glanced over the equation, expecting Bruce to just be causing a hassle for him. He never messed up equations: he was the perfect Tony Stark. However, after catching sight of one part of the equation, Tony's eyes widened. "Holy shit you're right."

"You've been really out of it lately," Bruce said, watching as Tony erased and fixed the numbers. "And you've been on your phone way more than usual."

"Yeah, yeah," Tony said, trying to think of an excuse. He couldn't admit that he was talking to a literal fetus. Okay, maybe a tiny bit of an over-exaggeration but you get my point. "I've just been talking to one of my agents in Europe."

"I see," Bruce said before spilling his coffee all over his shirt. He cursed and quickly walked out of the room, presumably to his floor or the nearby bathroom.

Maybe Tony was spending an excessive amount of time talking to Peter. But can you blame him? The kid is almost as smart as Tony himself and he's only fifteen! Not to mention the fact that he's really odd. Tony legitimately can't tell when the kid is serious about getting shot or stabbed or anything. What kind of pure-hearted fifteen-year-old gets into that much trouble? The kid was also applying for an internship at the one-and-only Stark Tower and Tony did not want to accidentally decline his application. Speaking of which...I wonder if filling everything out went well.

:Antonio's Pizza

Hey, kid.>

Did you fill out the application?>


<Wow you texted me first!! :0

:Antonio's Pizza

Don't get used to it.>


<rude :[

<but anyways yes I filled it out. The receptionist

at my school wouldn't let me take it home for

some reason so I had to finish it there

:Antonio's Pizza

That sucks. Sorry, kid.>

Wonder why she wouldn't let you go home..>


<Oh it's ok I don't mind much

<I'm glad I stayed later cause it made it so

this kid at my school went home before me

:Antonio's Pizza

Don't get along with them?>



:Antonio's Pizza

Girl competition?>


<No definitely not girl competition

<It's something else

:Antonio's Pizza


It made Tony sick to the stomach to think about someone potentially bullying Peter. He seemed like a good kid, which is hard to come by these days. However, he's sure it's not bullying. Do kids even bully each other anymore? They don't, right? When Tony noticed it had been several minutes since the kid responded, he started getting a little worried. Damn, he was getting attached. To a child nonetheless.

:Antonio's Pizza



<Sorry Mr. Toni

<I was talking to my Aunt

<and no it's not bullying

<we just..don't get along

:Antonio's Pizza

Mind if I ask their name?>

I don't know what school you go to

so it's not like I could go stalk him

or anything.>


<Mr stalker has returned!!!

<You created programs so that people couldn't

message you so I'm sure you could figure out

where he and I go to school if I gave you


<It's not a big deal anyways so

:Antonio's Pizza


Hey kid, sorry. I need to go to a meeting.>

Stay safe.>


<Bye Mr Stalker :D

Tony placed his phone down on the table, attempting to resist the smile that was tugging at his lips. His efforts were in vain, of course, and he was soon softly smiling.

After getting himself together, he exited his lab and headed towards his room. He had better things to do than improving Clint's stupid bow and going to that stupid meeting that Pepper made him swore he'd go to: finding out who Peter was talking about. He had to make sure it wasn't actually bullying, okay? Plus, he probably wouldn't be able to focus on anything else anyways.

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