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<How'd you guys meet this Peter?

:Antonio's Pizza>

Just someone we know.>

:Scarlet Witch>

He's a good friend :)>


<That's cool

<Is he your guys' ages?

<Older? Younger?



:Antonio's Pizza>

But not by that much.>

Just a bit younger.>


<It's funny he has the same name as me

<What if he was me haha


That's impossible>

:Scarlet Witch>

That would be crazy>

Too bad it's not>

:Antonio's Pizza>

I don't just let anyone come live with me>

So, since I don't know who you are, why would I let you come

live with me>


<You're so secretive, Antonio

<It's like you're Tony Stark or something

:Antonio's Pizza>

I'm not.>

And wouldn't everyone not want random people coming

to live with them?>


<I guess so

<but what're the chances I'd be texting the Tony Stark

<Plus, if you're Tony Stark then that'd obviously mean

everyone else in this group chat is an Avenger


We're not.>

I don't know why you would think that.>

That's ridiculous.>


<Now that I think about it you guys do share a lot of the

same names with the Avengers

:Antonio's Pizza>

We get that a lot.>

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