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Previously on Who's this?

"If I give you a nickname, then you have to call me Tony. Adding the 'mr' makes me feel old." Tony stated, still trying to think of a clever name for the teen in front of him.

"I couldn't possibly call you by your first name, Mr. Stark." Stumbling over his words, Peter anxiously denied his offer.

"I insist." Tony waved away Peter's concern, mindlessly sipping his coffee. Suddenly, Tony's eyes lit up. "I know your new name."

"I'm very grateful for anything you come up with." Peter grinned, excited to hear what the clever Tony Stark had come up with.



"Spiderman?" Peter slowly questioned, eyeing the older man nervously. Tony, naive to Peter's anxieties, nods his head in satisfaction.

"You like spiders and you're a male, so," Tony paused, going deeper into thought. "Actually, I should call you spiderboy since you're a kid."

"I'm not a kid," Peter frowned, momentarily forgetting that Tony could've possibly figured out his secret identity. "I'm practically an adult, already."

"I'm not too sure about that, Spiderboy," Tony rolled his eyes, sitting down on one of the table stools. After a moment of Peter just standing still, staring at Tony, said man gently patted the stool next to him. Obeying, Peter slowly sat down, watching as the man fiddled around with different wires and metals, using unique tools to adjust each separate object. "Do you think you could help me a bit?" he asked.

"Of course," Peter said, "I just need to tell my supervisor otherwise he'll be upset."

"Hey, Fri," Tony called, continuing when Friday said a quick 'hello'. "Please tell spiderboy's supervisor that he will be working with me for the remainder of the day."

"Of course sir, I'll do so immediately," Friday confirmed, "Enjoy your time together."

"Thank you," Tony says, prolonging the vowels dramatically. He continued to fiddle with his items and tools, connecting one thing to another and dismantling others. Not wanting to be annoying, Peter quietly observed the man, attempting to figure out what exactly he was building. After a couple of minutes, Peter figured it out.

"Are you building peripheral glasses?" Peter quietly asked, slightly leaning in closer to survey the interesting item. Tony's moving hands paused for a moment, but briefly continued.

"Yes, I am." Tony stated proudly as he hooked a wire to a chiseled piece of metal. Peter let out a soft 'hmm' and continued watching his idol work. "How did you know what I was doing?"

"Oh," Peter stumbled over his words, startled to be asked a question. "I saw that you put the glass resist ontop of the horizontal film so I just kind of assumed. Plus, they already have the shape of glasses."

"I see," Tony mumbled as he set the glasses down onto the tabletop. Mindfully, Tony tapped his chin, glancing inbetween the glasses and the teen next to him. Peter nervously watched the man, unsure on what he was thinking. Suddenly, Tony grinned, "Would you like to become my personal assistant?"

"Personal assistant?" Peter asked slowly, "Would I just get you coffee?"

"I mean, maybe." Tony shrugged, "I'm always requesting coffee. But, that's not what I would have you primarily do."

"What would I do?" Peter slightly tilted his head to the side, mimicking a confused dog.

"Help me with inventing things, make sure I don't burn the whole building down, getting me coffee, etcetera etcetera. " Tony stated, carefully eyeing the boy.

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