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Peter POV

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. I just talked to the Pepper Potts. Holy shit. Then I had the audacity to slam the door in her face. I internally freaked out, completely forgetting about the pain that I was currently in as I climbed the stairs into my apartment. Once I reached my floor, I desperately opened the door and threw myself onto the couch.

"I just met Pepper Potts," I gasped and rubbed my hands over my face, "the wife of Tony Stark, a.k.a freaking IronMan. Holy shit." I sat in silence as I thought back to what just happened. She offered to help me and I refused. What if she tells Mr. Stark and then I don't get the internship? Oh no, what have I done...

I shifted onto my feet once more and immediately winced as my whole body screamed in protest. After rolling my eyes at how pathetic I was, I limped into the kitchen to get some water. I set my phone on the kitchen counter and began my search for a clean cup. May and I never had time to do the dishes so it was very rare for us to have enough dishes for basic needs: like getting a drink of water. Once I saw that there was a single, blue sippy cup in the cabinet, I reluctantly grabbed it and filled it up with questionable sink water. People in our apartment always complained about the tap water being poisoned, so May and I tried to drink as much water elsewhere as possible. However, there were times that we had to buck up and drink the greenish-looking water. As I aggressively sucked on the sippy cup my phone buzzed on the counter, startling me from my brief dissociation.

:Unknown Number>

Hello Peter.>

I'm one of Tea's and Antonio's friends.>

I stared at my phone, not really feeling like being social. However, if I'm going to be a superhero, I have to be nice to anyone and everyone...Except maybe Flash.


<Oh Hello!

<Nice to meet you mr/ms/whatever.

<Do you need something?

:Unknown Number>

No, I was just curious about who my friends were

talking to.>

My name is Natasha.>


< :O

<You have the same name as Black Widow!

<That's so cool!!!!

*Peter changed Unknown Number's name to Ms. Black Widow*

:Ms. Black Widow>

Yes, I guess so.>

Do you like Black Widow?>



<Not as much as IronMan, of course, but I still

think she's so cool!!

<She faces opponents so much bigger than she is

but she still kicks their butt

<I really admire her. She's so cool :D

<Do you like her?

:Ms. Black Widow>

I'm neutral with Black Widow. I don't like her, but

I don't necessarily dislike her.>

Is Ironman your favorite avenger?>


<Definitely!! :D

<He saved my life once so I feel like he has to

be my favorite avenger

<But even if that didn't happen he would still be

my favorite :]

:Ms. Black Widow>

Ironman saved you?>



<It was a long time ago

<I was at the Stark Expo in Queens. When the

Hammer Drones started attacking, I thought that

I could protect myself. Stupid idea, I know

<When I inevitably couldn't do anything against them

Ironman swooped in and saved me

<Ever since, I've admired him :D

:Ms. Black Widow>

I'm glad you ended up safe, Peter.>

The world would've lost a very smart young man.>

Perhaps even a future Tony Stark..>


<I'm definitely not on the same level as the Tony Stark

<But I appreciate the flattery Ms. Natasha :]

:Ms. Black Widow>

You can call me Nat if you'd like.>


<If you're sure you're okay with that..

:Ms Black Widow>

I'm positive. :)>

*Peter changed Ms. Black Widow 's contact name to Ms Nat :)*


<Thank you for the conversation Ms. Nat but

I need to go :'(

<Bye! :D

:Ms Nat :)>

Goodbye, Peter. :)>

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