Halloween Special Continuation

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“Seriously? You’re seriously making us do this?” Sam grumbled under his breath.

“Shut up and stop being a big baby,” Tony hissed, roughly shoving the other man. Sam turned around to face the rest of the avengers.

“Y’all are fine with this?” He asked incredulously, his eyes enlarging when everyone shrugged. “You’re seriously gonna march in there looking like the motherfuckers from dragon tales and you’re not gonna care?”

“It is what it is,” Clint hummed, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. Sam continued staring at his team, only stopping when Natasha elegantly shoved past him and waltzed into the meeting room. Everyone followed behind her, Sam and Tony slightly hesitating, before coming face to face with Fury. 

“What in the living hell,” Fury furrowed his eyebrows, gawking at the bunch. “What is the meaning of this, Stark?” He questioned before eyeing Natasha and giving an even more baffled look. “Ms. Romonaff?”

“Yes?” Natasha smirked at the puzzled expression on Fury’s face. For once in his life, Fury opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, grasping for any kind of words to say. He was at a loss for what to say. After a few moments of looking like a gasping fish, he pressed his lips together into a stern line

“Get your asses out of here and get changed,” Fury pinched the bridge of his nose inbetween his thumb and pointer finger. “I will not be discussing anything when you all look like a bunch of middle-schoolers.”

“Here’s the thing,” Tony sighed, “We kind of can’t take these off for another three days.”

“What do you mean you can’t take them off?” Fury glared, “I don’t care if you superglued them to your body or if you somehow got cursed. Get those shitass onesies out of here.”

“No can do, pirate,” Tony smiled, “By the way, I’m surprised you know what onesies are. Do you have one of your own?”

Fury scowled, “Out. Now.” He carefully inunciated every word.

“Awe, but what about our meeting?” Tony teased, a satisfied grin taking over his lips. “Isn’t it oh-so-important?”

“Get out before I make you get out, Stark.”

“Shiver me timbers, I’m so scared.” Tony spun on his heel and swiftly exited the room, snickering to himself as he heard the others follow. 

“This was your plan all along wasn’t it?” Steve asked once he had caught up. “You just wanted to get out of talking to Fury?”

“Woops,” Tony winked, “You caught me redhanded.”

Meanwhile, where they left Fury:

“So what if I have a onesie,” Fury mocked, “They’re comfy, and no one can tell me otherwise.”

“Recording the last ten seconds of audio.” Friday spoke up, causing Fury to whip his head towards the ceiling. 

“Don’t you dare.” Fury threatened. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was threatening, but he was just gonna do it anyways. 

“Saving recording,” 

“I will delete your program,” Fury growled, “Don’t test me.”

“Sending recording to Tony Stark.”

“Fucking shit.”

As requested by thecabbagemerchant11 I have written the extension of the Halloween Special <3

I'll try to get back to the regular storyline as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading! :]

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