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This was his house; He paid for it, he decorated it, hell, he practically built it. He was not going to be held captive in the damn thing he created.

"Friday, go into 'stealthy knight in shining armor mode.'" Tony demanded as he tugged his shoes on and flung himself into his Ironman suit.

"Of course, sir," Friday's voice spoke, "Would you like me to include anyone within the secrecy parameters?"

"No," Tony sternly said, "Don't tell anyone. Not Pepper, not Thor, not even the cleaning lady."

"As you wish." Was all Friday said as Tony launched himself into the sky, immediately heading towards the hospital. Should he be using his suit for such minor matters? Probably not. But did Tony care? Fuck no.

"Pepper Potts has discovered you missing," Friday informed, "Would you like me to put her on lockdown?"

"Yes," Tony never thought he'd use the lockdown procedure on his own wife. "But try to be subtle about it."

"Too late," Friday almost laughed. "I have turned on the alarms and closed the vibranium walls around the windows. It is highly unlikely that she did not notice."

"You know what," Tony sighed tiredly, "Whatever. As long as she can't get out."

"The other Avengers are asking questions, what would you like me to say?" She asked.

"Tell them to mind their own fucking business," Tony paused, "Or just tell them that I'm running a test to make sure everything is working."

"I have told them both of those things," Friday snickered. "We are closing in on the hospital. I recommend landing somewhere discreet so that we don't attract unwanted attention."

"Just dump me out and go back to the Tower," Tony said, laughing when Friday unhesitantly opened the suit and dumped Tony onto the sidewalk once they were within a safe distance from the ground. Ignoring the startled bystanders, Tony waltzed through the hospital doors, immediately making confident eye contact with the receptionist.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist, Clara Sailor according to her name tag, asked nervously.

"What room is May Parker in?" asked Tony.

"I need to know your relationship with her before I allow you to visit," Clara typed on her computer, presumably bringing up May's files. "I can't allow people to visit patients willy-nilly."

"She's my kid's aunt," Tony stated simply, causing the receptionist to furrow her eyebrows.

"I was not aware you had children, Mr. Stark." She paused, eyeing the man, then sighing. "She's currently in room 205-" Clara was interrupted as Tony turned on his heel and walked away from her. Ignoring her as she called after him, Tony stepped into the elevator, immediately closing the door and ascending to the higher levels.

As soon as the elevator reached its floor and the doors opened, Tony was running down the hallway, ignoring the annoyed looks of the nurses and doctors he passed. As he got closer to the room, Tony slowed his speed, causing his loud footsteps to quiet, so as to not alert anyone of his presence. The door was open, so he slowly peeked his head inside the room, immediately noticing Natasha rubbing his sleeping intern's back while scrolling on her phone. Natasha quickly noticed Tony's presence, swiftly turning to glare at the man with narrowed eyes, causing Tony to give her a smug smirk. Carefully and quietly, Natasha stood from Peter's side, grimacing when Peter shifted in his sleep. Once she passed the threshold and carefully closed the door, Natasha gave Tony a firm smack on the back of the head.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Natasha hissed quietly.

"The real question is why are you here, hmm?" Tony countered, earning an eye-roll from the woman.

"Because he knows who I am and isn't frightened by my presence," Thinking she heard a noise coming from inside the room, she briefly paused but quickly continued. "If he sees you he'll be thrown into a big panic about why you're here."

"The kid loves me," Tony frowned.

"He's too overwhelmed, Tony." Natasha sighed, "He's going through a lot right now and he has no idea you're even aware of his situation.

"Does he know who you are?" Tony crossed his arms against his chest. When Natasha opened her mouth to speak, he smugly interrupted her, "And I don't mean him knowing you're an Avenger, the Black Widow."

"He doesn't need to know that stuff right now-" Natasha was, once again, interrupted. However, this time it was by the creaking of a door.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter cautiously asked. Both adults whipped their heads toward him, their eyes wide and their mouths sputtering for words. Glancing between the two, Peter's anxieties only increased as he immediately sensed unease and discomfort between them. Peter looked at Natasha, noticing her nervous expression, and he felt his heart drop.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Stark," Peter's voice cracked as he withheld a cry, "I promise I was going to tell you at some point but I just couldn't ever figure out the right time."

"Um," Tony narrowed his eyes in confusion, watching as Natasha frantically tried shutting the boy up. "What?"

"I swear I wasn't gonna keep it a secret forever," Peter loudly sniffled, "I just didn't want you to make me stop. It's the only thing that brings me happiness, especially now that May is hurt and-"

"Wow, kid," Tony gently gripped Peter's shoulders, urging him to breathe and calm down. "What are you talking about?"

"You really want me to say it myself?" Peter's voice was shaky.

"Say what?" Tony cautiously watched as the teen took a deep breath.

"I'm spider-man."


(A/N) I apologize for the short chapter after a long time of no updates. Once again, updates will be kinda wonky, but I'm still doing my best to write quality chapters. 

Anyways, oops. Peter spilled the beans. 

I'm trying to wrap up this fanfic as smoothly as possible so bare with me. This is the first fanfic that I've gotten so close to actually finishing so this is kind of a new experience for me. 

While I'm not updating regularly ya'll should go check out  

<3 They write some really good 

Marvel fics and they update more often and regularly than I do. So, while I'm being flaky, I recommend reading theirs! <3 

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