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So far, the day was going great. Flash's cubicle was the one furthest away from him, and so far all of today was just fidgeting with random things and getting used to where everything is. Each week, the interns would each get a new assignment from their higher-ups. Whether that be building something, or if it was delivering things to others; their superiors would decide and monitor everything they did. So, since today was Friday, they didn't really have much time to do a full assignment before the end of the week, so they were all just on standby.

Spinning around on his wheeled desk chair, Peter mindlessly fidgeted with random tech items. Several of the other interns had gotten calls and requests, yet Peter still sat doing nothing. Maybe they regret hiring me and are just finding a good time to fire me. Hearing a soft grumble, Peter nearly fell out of his chair when his supervisor, Mr. Elliot Smith, appeared beside him. Peter was too startled and confused about why he didn't hear or sense him to be paying attention to what he was saying. However, once he noticed his overseer was talking, it was too late to know all the details of what he was talking about.

"-Black coffee is all they asked for, so go quickly retrieve it from the break room before going to their floor. Don't embarrass yourself or me, please." And with that, he spun on his heels and walked away, leaving Peter to curse his idiocy. Sighing, Peter stood and walked to the elevator, hoping Friday would know where the break room was and to who he was delivering the coffee to. After the mechanic doors closed behind Peter, he sighed and opened his mouth to talk, but was quickly interrupted.

"Hello, Peter," Friday spoke softly as if she knew something Peter didn't. "Where would you like to go?"

"Um," Peter nervously shuffled his feet, "I'm supposed to deliver someone coffee but I kind of don't know who."

"Give me one moment," Friday quieted, and all Peter could do was wonder what she was doing. After a few moments, Friday returned and began moving the elevator on her own. "I am delivering you to the cafeteria where you can acquire the coffee. I have also accessed the audio files and have determined where you will be delivering it to. Please swiftly return with the coffee and I will take you to the lab."

"The lab?" Peter questioned, but the only response he got was the elevator doors opening with a ding. Peter nervously walked out of the elevator and was greeted by a large cafeteria. Tables and chairs were placed in orderly lines, and on the back wall, there was a variety of different fast food restaurants and cafe stands. Figuring whoever he was delivering to liked Starbucks, Peter made his way there. The room wasn't completely filled with people, but there was a lot more than he was expecting. Some were sitting at tables, talking with each other, or working on their phones and laptops. Others were waiting in lines for their food and co-workers. Peter's beat-up sneakers squeaked against the tile flooring as he closed in on the coffee house. Thankfully, no one was in line.

"What can I get for you today?" A barista behind the counter asks, putting a polite customer smile on her lips. Peter glanced at the menu to check for what the sizes and drinks were called and promptly began ordering.

"Could I just get a Grande Dark Roast Coffee?" Peter asked, quickly remembering that he didn't have any money to pay. Beginning to panic, Peter started stuttering, "Shoot, I'm so sorry. I don't have anything to pay with."

"That's okay," The lady smiled, "Tony Stark pays for up to three items each week for every worker. Just please scan your lanyard here and I'll make sure to note down this purchase." She gestured to a card reader that sat on top of the counter. Peter quickly scanned his blank white card and watched as the barista turned around and began working on the drink. Unable to resist himself, Peter examined the card reader and his own card, trying to figure out how it was able to tell who he was even though there was zero visible information on it. After a few minutes of fidgeting around with the machine, he decided there must be a chip embedded into his card, and the scanner was able to read it. Feeling satisfied, Peter stood up straight and turned his attention back to the lady who was popping a lid onto the cup.

"Have a good day." She handed the foam cup to Peter, smiling as he gently took it into his own hands.

"Thank you, you too," Peter said and swiftly began walking back towards the elevator, hoping he wouldn't have to wait for it to arrive. Thankfully, the elevator doors opened as soon as he approached it, and he quickly stepped in, thankful that no one else was inside. "Hello, Friday." Peter smiled at the A.I even though he wasn't sure if she could 'see' him.

"Welcome back, Peter," Friday had a gentleness in her voice, and Peter couldn't quite understand how that was possible. "I must warn you that where I'm about to take you is typically shut-out for interns such as yourself. However, since the owner of the lab has personally requested the beverage, I will allow you to enter. Please note that I will be aware of anything you touch or look at, and you will be seriously punished if you do anything I do not approve of."

"Okay, thank you." Peter nervously stuttered, suddenly afraid of the consequences he might face if he accidentally did anything. Once he stopped rising further into the building, the doors slid open, and Peter couldn't help but gawk at everything in the room. Several tables were laid out around the room, every single one of them covered in tools and random praiseworthy technology. Slowly walking around the room, admiring every inch surrounding him, Peter looked for the owner of the lab. No one seemed to be present, so instead, he decided to look for a safe spot to place the coffee. He didn't want to risk it falling and spilling on something important, so he had to be careful with where he decided to set it down. After wandering around for a minute, Peter noticed a coster sitting on a table in the far corner of the room. Carefully making his way towards it, Peter gently set the cup down on it and began heading towards the elevator once again. However, his interest was immediately piqued at the sight of an equation written in red expo marker on a giant whiteboard. Miscellaneous notes were written around it and different colored sticky notes were stuck everywhere.

To any outsider, the setup would look cluttered and confusing, however, the owner of the lab would know where everything was and exactly what everything said; it was organized chaos. Peter admired every equation, every formula, and every scientific thought that was written down. Then, as he was about to turn away, he noticed something with the main equation: it was wrong. Debating whether he should say anything or not, Peter decided to speak up.

"Hey Friday?" Peter anxiously said, trying to make sure his voice was loud enough to be heard, but it slightly cracked as soon as he attempted to shove words out from his lips.

"Yes, Peter?" Friday spoke and it almost sounded like she was wearing a knowing smile. But A.I's can't smile, right?

"Can you tell whoever works in here that this equation might be wrong?" Peter asked and looked closer at the equation. He didn't want to blatantly say the person was incorrect, even though he was positive that they were. "Tell them to look at the second half of it, specifically after it says Gμν=Λ8πG(Tμv+ρ٨gμ)"

"Of course, Peter. I'll be sure to tell them as soon as they return" Friday confirmed in a comforting voice. "Your supervisor is requesting your return, so I suggest you begin your journey there."

"Oh," Peter startled, completely forgetting that he should have probably returned ten minutes earlier. He had just been so mesmerized by the lab that he completely lost track of time. "Thank you, Friday. Have a great day."

"You, too, Peter." And with that, Peter was back in the elevator and on his way back to his own personal cubicle.



The day I'm writing this (not published) is the same day Queen Elizabeth passed away. Literally so sad right now. I don't even live in Britain but she's been the only constant in my life. While everything was changing as I grew up, the Queen was always there. Rest in peace <3

I hope everyone who admired or liked her grieves and heals properly <3

Also, 1k reads!! That's absolutely insane. Thank you guys so much <3

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