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"Please, I insist." Tony said, gently dragging Peter by his arm.

"Mr. Stark, really," Peter sighed exasperatedly, "I don't need a ride. I'm perfectly fine walking."

"Nonsense, I'm available so why not help you out." Tony swung two doors open, revealing a large garage with multiple expensive cars. Peter's eyes darted around the room, instantly admiring the vehicles. Smirking, Tony waltzed to a black Tesla, Peter promptly following behind with a dazed look.

"This car is worth more than my entire existence," Peter mumbled as he carefully climbed into the passenger side. Tony plopped himself down less than elegantly, immediately starting the engine. Without much effort, the tesla started moving out of the garage, a large door sliding open to allow their exit. After asking for Peter's address and inputting it into the maps, Tony sighed, glancing at the silent boy beside him.

The whole reason Tony called for coffee was because Friday reported some interesting information about a certain intern. After Friday explained the situation, Tony immediately asked for her to send him up with the excuse of coffee, which she immediately obeyed. Not long after, the teen walked through the elevator doors, limping and attempting to hide his face. Tony didn't want to intimidate the kid, but once he realized what he was doing, he couldn't help but order him to take off his hoodie. However, he was not expecting to see him in as bad shape as he was. So, after some mental debate, Tony immediately decided to take the kid under his wing for the time-being. But, he definitely didn't expect to actually like him, though; heck, he even suspected the kid of being his kid. The temptation to ask for his name was constant, yet Tony still managed to resist; however, he couldn't resist trying to subtly get the information out of him. So, here they are, riding together in silence.

"So," Tony cleared his throat, adjusting the air-conditioning. "How come you applied for the internship?" Peter's eyes immediately lit up.

"I really love science and technology and you," He paused to rethink his words, "I mean, I really admire you Mr. Stark. I've always looked up to you, and here I am, sitting in your tesla."

"I see," Tony chuckled, "I am pretty amazing, aren't I? I can't blame you."

"Very amazing." Peter said earnestly with a small smile. "I can't thank you enough for accepting me. Seriously, it's a dream come true."

"I'm glad, spiderboy." Tony playfully winked at the boy, "Making dreams come true is part of the Avenger's job description, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Peter quietly giggled, glancing towards his phone in his lap when it buzzed. Tony, noticing his own phone buzz at the same time, immediately glanced towards Peter's phone. Could it be?

"Is that your girlfriend?" Tony slyly teased, secretly hoping it wasn't, immediately earning an embarrassed blush from the teen.

"Nah," Peter tucked the phone underneath his thigh, "Just some friends."

"Where did you meet them?" Tony pressed, anxiously waiting for his answer.

"It's kind of a long story." Peter muttered, quickly untucking his phone to glance at the screen when it buzzed again.

"Well, I've got time." Tony insisted.

"Actually," Peter interrupted, pointing out the windshield. "We're here."

"Oh," Tony glanced around his surroundings, immediately noting how sketchy the area looked. The apartment he had pulled up to was barely holding itself together, and at the bottom of the staircase there were a few men dressed in black, smoking cigarettes. Immediately feeling concerned, Tony glanced towards Peter who quickly exited the vehicle, swinging his backpack onto his shoulder. Peter winced but nonchalantly shrugged it off, hoping Tony hadn't noticed. However, he did.

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