Rift Apart

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Corson V, Nefarious City, Verdagris Sector

Rivet had been investigating claims that Emperor Nefarious was up to something big but so far she hadn't been successful in figuring out what it was just yet. It hasn't stopped her from searching every possible corner however. She managed to jump a bot and took it's storage drive out so she could take it back to her hideout. It seemed this bot was the only one who knew about a secret Resistant Spybot. "That's gonna be useful. Now I have to go and find that." Rivet says to herself as she takes the drive with her.

While walking she kept reading through the information. It kept her mind off things as well as kept her busy and focused in a way. While reading she saw information on Talwyn and the Nundac Astroid base and she gulped. Rivet went into a hiding spot and tried calling Talwyn. "Come on, come on! Answer..." She nervously said to herself. Talwyn wasn't answering at first and fearing the worst happend Rivet teared up a little until she, much to her initial thoughts, received a call back on her comms. Rivet quickly wiped her eyes and stood up.

"Talwyn!" Rivet yelled. "What's wrong Rivet? And are those tears?" Asked Talwyn. "I... I ended up getting intel that Nefarious might know about Apogee Base. You didn't answer at first and I sorta feared the worst." Rivet explained. "Rivet... I'm alright, promise. There's been no sign of Nefarious or his forces around in quite awhile. Ok?" Rivet nodded in acknowledgment. "I um.. So how was Sargasso until you left?" Rivet asked, trying to move the conversation along after feeling a little embarassed. Talwyn smiled a bit, seeing that Rivet felt better with her presence and knowing she was alright and well.

"Oh you know, the usual. Green, swampy, acidic water. Lots of those weird Morts walking around. Not much has changed honestly." Talwyn said. "How's your mission going? Besides the intel you just got." Talwyn asked. Rivet shook her head slowly. "Nothing else so far... But if he could find Nundac in the intel, which I have no idea for sure if it was shared or not, what else does he know about?" Rivet asked in a worried tone. Talwyn realized Rivet had a point, but Rivet was still clearly shaken up about earlier when Rivet thought she was dead.

"Well what if you come back here and just hang around for a bit Rivet?" Talwyn asked. "I can't. I need to figure out what else he knows. WE need this. Not just me." Rivet responded. Talwyn sighed. "Alright hotshot, just get back in here in one piece and alive. Ok?" Rivet smiled but it went away when she could hear alarms in the background. "What is it? What's going on Talwyn?" Rivet asked concerned. "We're under attack here! Guess you were right Riv. Listen, if we don't see eachother again, I just wanted to say-" Talwyn communication was interuppted before she could finish.

"Talwyn...? Talwyn?!" Rivet yelled afraid. "No!..." Rivet sighed, mumbling the word no again. "Don't leave me too..." Rivet said and closed her eyes to collect herself for a moment. "Ok... I can do this. I can always go back to her later and figure things out. She'll make it, I know she will." Rivet said to herself assuringly. She got up and checked her Nav-Unit. "Mrs. Zurkon shouldn't be too far away from here, I should grab a weapon or two. This hammer of mine won't be worth spit if they corner me or something."

She ran off into an area she heard Mrs. Zurkon operates in. Rivet looked all around until she saw a hologram of what may have been a wanted poster/holo image of Cronk. "That can't be good. Wonder if they're after him and not Talwyn." Rivet thought to herself. Eventually she got to the location where Mrs. Zurkon should've been and sighed, wondering where she was. "Stupid robots. Can't count on any of them!" Rivet growled. She kept looking all the same, because she was desperate for a weapon other than her hammer. As she looked around she eventually found a weapon with a note attached.

Rivet looked at the note and read it. "Channel 3 on your comms unit, scramble it." The note said. She did what the note aid and tuned into the channel 3 and scrambled it. "Hello?" Rivet asked. "Phantom thought you might need some help. I'm supposed to guide you to your objective. There's a spybot with some intel being escorted by Nefarious' assisstant." The voice said. "oooookay? Where do I go then?" Rivet asked. "To the square, be quick, be sneaky. Oh, and that armor you hid away? Grab that." Commanded the voice to her.

Rivet started on her way to her hidden workshop and went into the building quickly. She walked up to a stand where her armor was and she put on the pieces and activated her helmet, which lit up based on Rivet's mood. In this case, it was a confused look. "Ok, the Square right?" Rivet asked. "Yes. Keep that helmet on, be quick, and don't get killed. Phantom would blame me for months in that happend." The voice joked. "Riiiiight. Ok, I'm going." Rivet said as she opened a door that lead down to a stairway towards the sewers.

She walked underground for awhile until she popped up out of a hole and got out quickly after hearing troopers talk about behavioral modification. " Your suit seems to be working nicely. Blending riiight in. There's the assistant, and the Infobot." the voice said and Rivet walked up close, making sure to be slow, yet fast about it. She went up and then snatched the bot. "Masterful work. Now get out of there and decrypt that thing." The voice said as Rivet went into an alley. Rivet ran along a pipe and looked above her as a Seekerpeade went over above her.

It seemed to be chasing a civillian. "Go go go! Your ship is up ahead!" The voice said as the face of the helmet turned red with a mad face. "Where are you going?!" The voice asked as Rivet ran towards a Nefarious trooper that was chasing the civillian down. The bot was getting ready to kill the civillian as Rivet walked up with her hammer. The Trooper turned to her and fired. Rivet dodged it and used her hammer to smash that robot's face in. She walked up to the civillian and took her helmet off and smiled.

"Hey it's ok see? Just me." Rivet said. "Rivet?" The civillian was surprised. "Shh. Gotta go! Here, it'll help get you home. I designed it to be one size fits all, so it should-" Rivet was stopped. "Thank you!..." The civillian said. Rivet nodded and winked. Then she ran off until she got to a plaza where a Seekerpede shined a light at her. "Well, guess this is where it gets fun." Rivet said to herself. Without her helmet to match her armor she no longer blended in among the other robots. So she jumped down to get out the of the light quickly.

She was being chased down every possible alley, jumping, flipping and running, she did her best to avoid being caught. Rivet felt winded as she ran. She knew when she aws being cornered and while she really didn't feel like going back into the sewer, she was going to have to if she wanted to survive. She took off a sewer cover and jumped in then put the cover back over. She sighed, trying not to inhale the smell as she turned on her Nav-Unit in order to get a holographic map of the city.

The map was out of date top-side, however the underground network was still intact and Rivet planned to use that to her advantge. As she walked she felt some kind of movement that shook the ground a little. "What the-?" She asked herself as the ground shook more. At first she thought maybe she had been found, but had that been the case she would have been blasted into the ether already. She managed to find a part of the sewer that leads into a tall building, she could climb up to the top and get a good view of the area.

She had to let go of her armor pieces in order to climb without getting more tired than she had already been. She was sweating profusely until she got to the top, climbing out and letting the air hit her as she caught her breath. Eventually she looked around and saw purple clouds that looked like they had sparks of electricity. "This can't be good... Has to be Nefarious!" Rivet said. Her ears flicked and she looked over and down after a voice said "What have I done?" She glared and jumped down, looking at the little silver robot.

"What do you mean what have -you- done?" Rivet asked. "Who are you?" The robot asked. "Someone with a loooot of questions." Rivet responded. She then picked him up, slapped the robot onto her back despite it's protest and ran off. One set of adventures was over, and another was about to begin.


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