Chapter one; the meet

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Who's here from transboo lol if so hi! If not also hi. Hope you like this also mark will be used in this story a few times it's just for story purposes. Anyway have a good read!  (Noa)

One afternoon Tommy got up out of bed exhausted from staying up all night. "TOMMY I NEED TO SEE YOU" His father shouted. Tommy quickly got dressed in a blouse and pants. He ran to his father's office. "Good afternoon Tommy. I know you just got up but when you have the time could you take the horses outback back?" Phill asked finishing up some paper words.

"Oh sure but why can't Will or Techno do it?" Tommy stretched.

"Will is out practicing writing and Techno is trying to catch a thief in the kingdom his name is Ranboo" Phill looked up at Tommy.

"Sure I guess I can but after work, I wanna hang out okay?" Tommy crossed his arms looking away.

"First time you said something about hanging with your old dad" Philza chuckled.

Tommy went to his room and got in his disguise. He went downstairs and outside. He went to the horse staple. He greeted the staple boy and took his horse. He rode to the kingdom. He stops just before he gets into the main part of the kingdom. He gets off his horse and ties them up. He started to walk around completely in amazement.

Ranboo runs into Tommy "oh sorry-" Ranboo turns and looks at him "handsome sir" he looked Tommy up and down to see if he had anything valuable

"Oh Thank you!" Tommy bowed revealing a golden necklace with a red gem. "No one has ever checked me out before!"

Ranboo laughed "no need to bow sir~"

"O-oh!" Tommy stands up again. "Have you seen the thief going around?"

Ranboo was eyeing Tommy's necklace not making it obvious "yeah I have"

"Yeah hehe! Oh uh, you wanna go get some lunch with me?" Tommy bowed again.

"Uh sure" Ranboo mumbled. He probably shouldn't do this he was a thief and didn't have time to do fun things or anything and he couldn't have anyone finding out. Besides he chose the thief life he won't get to live a normal one.

"Alright! Where too?" Tommy smiled sweetly his face turning pink.

Ranboo shrugged thinking of a way to steal Tommy's necklace.

"We can go get some shepherd's pie?" Tommy shrugs smiling.

Ranboo nodded "lead the way then handsome~"

"Y-yea right! Stay here!" Tommy ran back grabs his horse and comes back. "Okay let's go!"

Ranboo mumbled, "holy shit" this kid must've been rich. And pretty, no he couldn't say that he had to steal his necklace and leave.

"Come on let's go!" Tommy puts a hand out for him "also what's your name?"

Ranboo stared at Tommy's hands a bit confused "mark"

"Come on, get on the horse- and I'm .. Ray" Tommy smiled at Ranboo

Ranboo takes Tommy's hand getting on the horse "I've never ridden a horse before" he mumbled

"Really?" Tommy laughs, making his horse canter to the cafe he was talking about.

Ranboo was on the horse not knowing where to put his hands or what to do "this is weird" he muttered

"You can put your hands on my hips or shoulders. It's not that weird." Tommy slowed down as they were almost there.

Ranboo hesitated before putting his hands on Tommy's waist.

"We are almost there" Tommy smiled.

Ranboo nodded thinking of ways to steal the necklace.

Tommy stopped his horse and hopped off. He ties his horse to the horse rest. Ranboo got off following Tommy.

He went into the store. "Hey, granny! It's been a while!" Tommy waved.

"Hello sweetie" she waved back at Tommy

"We came for shepherds pie! You make the best in the kingdom" Tommy laughs sitting down at the table. Ranboo sat next to him.

She nodded "I'll go get you some!" She said walking towards the kitchen.

Ranboo took this as a chance. He softly grabbed the pendant of Tommy's necklace pulling him closer "that's a pretty necklace you got~" Ranboo said with a smirk

"O-oh yes! My mother gave it to me when I was a toddler she died just after she gave it to me" Tommy flushed pink. The granny was just cooking the pie in the background.

Ranboo slowly let go "ah"

"Well," he looked around.

Ranboo mentally faceplanted he knew he shouldn't be doing this but that necklace had to have a lot of value. "Uhh tell me about you?"

"Oh I live with my father and 2 other brothers and I have horses- I work with horses their
not mine! I'm a staple boy-" Tommy quickly said covering up his truth.

Ranboo nodded "I live with my dad" it was half true he did technically live with his father but his father only came home every so often just asking for the things Ranboo stole.

"Oh, no job? You're not a thief are you?" Tommy joked.

"Oh, I didn't know I was supposed to say my job but I'm a cleaner," he said with a hum

"Oh! Good to know your not the thief my brothers looking for" Tommy smiled.

The women put the pie on the table "enjoy!" With that, she went to the back to let the boys talk.

Ranboo stared at it "hmm."

"Dig in it's very good!" Tommy grabs a fork and digs in eating some.

Ranboo takes a bite "Woah it's good" he starts eating more of it

"Told you so!" Tommy smiled.

Renboo quickly stole the necklace putting it in his pocket while pretending he was eating the whole time.

"Well I better get home my master and father won't like I was out for so long-" Tommy gets up putting his fork down.

Ranboo nods "goodbye then"

"Bye!" Tommy got up and took his horse going back home.

Ranboo smirked holding the necklace in his hand "another steal done"

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