Chapter 13

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Ranboo had fallen asleep with Tommy. Tommy woke up in the middle of the day wide awake. He went downstairs looking around. He went out to the stables and took care of his horse overall spending with her.

Ranboo was still asleep and juniper walked over to Tommy. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't sleep plus I still have a horse you know" Tommy shrugs.

"It's the middle of the day what do you mean you can't sleep" juniper stared at him

"We were napping" Tommy awkwardly spoke.

Juniper rolls his eyes "whatever"

Tommy rolled his eyes and continued to care for his horse.  Tommy filled the water trough up. 

"You know I'm supposed to take care of the horse why are you doing it?" Juniper rolled his eyes

"Well I like it here it's calming and I never spend time with her so" Tommy shrugs

Juniper rolls his eyes and walks away from Tommy.

Tommy sat in the hay, He thought about when he should propose. Most likely when he gets his memory back. He needs to get the royal ring from his dad first and he needs a good spot.

He could go to the river they both love. Or he could go to his and his mom's favorite spot? Tommy thought some more. "The river sounds good" he mumbled

He decided to go to the river after ranboos memory comes back and propose. He would have to ask for the ring soon.

Tommy goes back upstairs to his room. He flopped on his bed tripping over Ranboo. Ranboo wakes up sitting up "Tommy?"

"Ugh.. sorry" Tommy groans

"It's fine are you okay?"  Ranboo hummed

"Mhm, I'm fine are you?" Tommy mumbled

Ranboo nodded patting Tommy's head.

Tommy smiled grabbing Ranboo pinning him to bed and then lying on top of him. "Why did you" Ranboo mumbled

"Why not" Tommy kissed him

"Weirdo" Ranboo mumbled

"Eh" Tommy huffed

Ranboo huffs not knowing what to say.

"I love ya loser" Tommy huffed

"Love you to toms" Ranboo smiled

Tommy sighed and smiled. Ranboo played with Tommy's hair keeping him close.

Tommy held onto Ranboo tightly. "I had memories come back last night"

"Aw, how come?"

Ranboo shrugged "I'm not sure I just got some back"

"What were they?" Tommy blinked

"Some of my childhood and when I first met you" Ranboo mumbled

"Aww yeah you stole from me at first" Tommy giggled

"Yeah" Ranboo chuckled "sorry"

"I forgive you" Tommy kissed his cheek

"Idiot." Ranboo huffed

"You clearly got your snappiness back" Tommy giggled

"Shut up and Gimmie a kiss" Ranboo stuck his tongue out.

"With your tongue out? Whatever you want~" Tommy got on top of Ranboo.

Ranboo went red putting his tongue back in his mouth. "Toms!"

"I'm only kidding or am I?~" Tommy kissed Ranboo.

Ranboo huffed kissing Tommy back before breaking it and sticking his tongue out at Tommy.

"Your welcome" Tommy huffed getting off Ranboo

Ranboo sat up smiling. "Do you think the kingdom will like me?" His smile dropped as he mumbled

"Mhm, they will warm up to you" Tommy sat on his bed.

"I hope" Ranboo sighed looking at Tommy.

"Well goodnight" Tommy laid down going to bed

"Hey I want cuddles then you can sleep" Ranboo huffed.

"Ehh sleep" Tommy groans

"Come hereeee" Ranboo mumbles

"Noooo" Tommy groans again "just come here"

Ranboo crawled over nuzzling into Tommy. Tommy held on to Ranboo slowly falling asleep. Ranboo smiled and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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