Chapter five

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Ranboo yawns waking up he sits up and sees Tommy in a panic he falls off the bed. "Ow! How the hell did I get in here" he mumbled

"I put you in here" Tommy groans sitting. He grabs Ranboo pulling him onto him. He laid back down tucking his head into Ranboo's neck.

Ranboo mumbled "why though and why are you shirtless" he mumbled slightly pink he didn't know what to do with Tommy being affectionate he wasn't used to this.

"Why not and I just sleep shirtless okay?" Tommy whispered in a low tired voice he breathed down Ranboo's neck.

Ranboo felt a shiver go down his spine as Tommy said that. "Sorry I woke you up..." he mumbled.

"Hmm" Tommy exhaled breathing down his neck again.

Ranboos breath hitched he felt a shiver go down his back again.

"You alright?" Tommy asked in a low tired voice.

Ranboo nodded looking at Tommy.

Tommy gently kissed Ranboo's collarbone "relax you don't have to run and steal anymore"

Ranboo looked down at Tommy "why did you kiss me? And it's weird I've been doing it my whole life" he mumbled.

"Because I wanted to, I can do it again. And not anymore your not stealing I'm taking care of you now" Tommy kissed his collarbone once more.

Ranboo blushed "idiot" he mumbled.

"Hm." Tommy hummed.

Technoblade knocked on the door not walking in this time.

Tommy sat up. "Come in"

Ranboo yawned as technoblade walked into the room "breakfast is ready" he glared at Ranboo

"Alright" Tommy got out of bed. Ranboo sat up not knowing what to do not thinking he was invited to eat. Technoblade left going downstairs.

Tommy started to get changed. Ranboo admittedly looked away. Tommy picked out an outfit for Ranboo.

He threw it to him. "Change so we can go to breakfast" Tommy finished changing.

Ranboo picked it up "am I eating with you?" He asked confused

"Mhm," Tommy nodded "now get changed," He said leaving the room.

Ranboo got changed and opened the door walking out "I'm done" he mumbled

"Let's go" Tommy grabs his hand. Ranboo followed Tommy.

Tommy sat down at the table once they got there. Ranboo awkwardly stood there not knowing what to do.

"Goodmorning everyone" Tommy smiled

Technoblade smiled at Tommy. "Morning"

Tommy asked a question "where's Wilbur?"

Phil responded "I think he's still at quackity's still"

Ranboo was still just standing there awkwardly.

"Sit down Ranboo and bow next time "Tommy whispered. "Well Can Ranboo stay here?" Tommy muttered eating his food.

"Mhm" phill responded

"Hmph" Technoblade huffed.

Ranboo awkwardly bowed sitting next to Tommy

They all ate talking about stuff that's happening in the kingdom, etc letting Ranboo eat too and not asking him questions.

Tommy finished his food and excused himself to the garden. He sat in the felid. Ranboo followed out and sat next to him "hi..."

"Hello" Tommy looked away.

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