Chapter two: found him

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Tommy got home and put up his horse giving it to the staple boy. He quickly and as quietly as he could. He ran into his room. He let out a sigh of relief until someone cleared their throat.

"Tommy where have you been?" Technoblade stood there giving him a look.

"Uhh" Tommy didn't know how to respond. " I was outside in the gardens" Tommy answered nervously

"I would have seen you because I checked the whole castle" Technoblade crossed his arms. "So you better start talking"

Tommy huffed "I was in the garden techno"

"Liar your horse was gone the staple boy told you rode off toward the kingdom Tommy don't lie to me" Technoblade's eyes had rage and worry.

"Okay fine I went into the city what are you going to do about it" Tommy crossed his arms staring at technoblade

"Well I can tell father you know a thief is going around, your necklace could have gotten stolen you never take it off" Technoblade sighed.

"My necklace? I still have it on-" Tommy stopped as he patted his neck looking for it "my necklace!"

"TOMMY MOM GAVE YOU THAT" Technoblade shouted. "Who were you with." Technoblade forced himself to calm down.

Tommy shrugged "I met this really nice guy his name I think was mark"

"What does he look like" Technoblade frowns.

"Uhh he was wearing a cloak so I couldn't see his hair and his face was covered so I'm not sure-" Tommy mumbled

"Idiot I'm going to look for him go tell father I'm leaving again" Technoblade rushed out of Tommy's room.

Tommy huffed "I'm sure I just dropped it he was really nice" he walked down to Philza's room

"Daddy" Tommy semi yelled

"What Tommy? WAIT TOMMY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Phill ran over to Tommy. "I was so worried about you!" He hugged Tommy

"I was in the garden dad but uh techno just went out to go after the thief again-" Tommy mumbled

"Technoblade checked everywhere" Phill let's go looking Tommy in the eyes. "Where is your necklace?.." Phill stared into his eyes "don't lie to me"

"I think I dropped it," Tommy said with a frown

"Where" Phill looked completely serious.

"I dunno" Tommy mumbled

"Find I will go look for it you stay in the castle." Phill rushed past Tommy.

Tommy huffs sitting in his living room.
Meanwhile, Ranboo was in his base that was close to the kingdom but not in it. He was staring at the necklace "holy crap this is more valuable than I thought." He mumbled

Technoblade rode around knocking on doors asking about the thief. And if they've Seen anyone suspicious. He rode out of town to a house he saw when he rode to other kingdoms. He got off his horse and tied it up and knocked on the door.

Ranboo perked up and heard someone knocking that was weird. He quickly hid the necklace now in a different disguise and opened the door. "Hello?"

"Hello, are you mark?" Technoblade sighed a hand on his sword.

"Woah Woah put the sword down and maybe why?" Ranboo scrunched his eyebrows confused.

"Are you or are you not?" Technoblade slowly unsheathed his sword. "Just answer the question"

"Yeah I am but why?" Ranboo eyed technoblade

"I need to check your house" Technoblade unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Ranboo's neck.

Ranboo backed away "whys that?" He cursed at himself was the necklace THAT valuable he had the one of the princes after him

Technoblade grabs a rope he had from his bag and tied up Ranboo throwing him to the wall. He went inside the house checking everything and everywhere.

Ranboo grumbled. Guess this was the end of the road for him all his stolen goods would be found. He didn't mind though maybe being locked up would be Better than stealing for his father.

Technoblade found the necklace. "your the thief we are looking for Hm" Technoblade grabbed Ranboo and walked him out of the house throwing him on his horse. Technoblade got on his horse riding back to the castle.

Ranboo smirked, "surprised it took you so long to find me."

"I can kill you but I will let my brother pick what happens" Technoblade sneered.

Ranboo ignored him "I mean I've been doing this since I was 7 I'm 18 now it took ya'll 11 years" he smirked

"I will kill you if you don't shut up" Technoblade frowned clearly pissed off at Ranboo.

"Fine fine" Ranboo grumbled

"We are here" Technoblade got off grabbing Ranboo and walking in and downstairs to the dungeon. He threw him into a cell and locked the door.

Ranboo hummed sitting there "welp better get used to this"

Phill came back shortly after Technoblade. They both stopped and talked about everything that was going on.

Technoblade went to get Tommy and walked into the living room seeing Tommy. He handed him the necklace "here idiot don't warm up to strangers next time"

"Thanks, Techno-" Tommy put it back on rushing downstairs to yell at the thief. 

Ranboo was sitting on the ground "these things hurt" he mumbled.

"Of course, they do they have to keep a thief like you in" Tommy huffed staring at Ranboo.

Ranboo looked up and smirked at Tommy "well well it's the pretty boy. I didn't expect you were the prince"

"Yeah well, you knew after you stole from me. I never thought you were the thief" Tommy looked hurt.

Ranboo sighed "too bad I didn't want to be a thief but here I am" he angrily mumbled.

"Don't get all angry with me I can do whatever I want with you" Tommy laughs. "I think you should be our new cleaner since you have the experience" Tommy teased

Ranboo rolled his eyes "I honestly don't care" he huffed "and I'll get as angry as I want!"

"Your no fun but tell me about yourself" Tommy rolled his eyes sitting outside of the cell

"I'm sorry your majesty," Ranboo said sarcastically "and honestly there's nothing much about me," Ranboo mumbled

Tommy flushed pink. "Whatever I'm leaving I will feed you in the morning" Tommy got up to leave.

Ranboo hummed and Layed down the best he could. He was being honest there's nothing about him other than his dad trained him to be a thief from a very young age and has been stealing for him ever since.

Tommy went to his room and went to bed thinking about Ranboo. He was a strange one that's for sure.

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