Chapter 10: balls 🧍‍♂️

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Ranboo didn't sleep at all last night he just layed on Tommy's bed. He sighed sitting up.

Tommy sat up. Juniper kissed Tommy Goodmorning. "Goodmorning Dear" is Tommy stretched. "Morning! I thought you sleep shirtless?" Juniper questioned

"Oh yeah it's just cold up here" Tommy shrugs getting up.

Juniper nodded "ah okay!"

He went down the latter. "I'm going back to the castle to eat I will see you later"

Tommy quickly went to his room opening the door.

"Goodmorning Ranboo. Did you sleep at all?" Tommy spoke quickly sitting next to Ranboo.

Ranboo yawned "yeah I did" it was obvious he was lying.

"No you didn't go to sleep" Tommy huffed.

"I don't wanna sleep. Anyway where were you last night?" Ranboo mumbled.

"Oh I was with my boyfriend- and you need to sleep" Tommy patted Ranboo's head.

Ranboo nuzzled into Tommy's hand "you have a boyfriend?"

"Oh yeah I do" Tommy shrugs "lay down and sleep"

Ranboo shook his head frowning "you promised you'd come back" 

"I didn't really promise plus it was one night" Tommy sighed.

"I don't care" Ranboo huffed laying down. He really did care and it felt like a promise to him.

"Goodnight Ranboo" Tommy sighed. He felt bad he didn't even like his boyfriend but didn't have the heart to break it off.

"I'm not tired enough to sleep Tommy" Ranboo huffed

"You haven't slept all night I'm gonna get you something I will be right back" Tommy got up and went downstairs.

"Nooo" Ranboo mumbled

After 5 minutes later Tommy hasn't returned. Ranboo was able to go down and check but didn't.

After a other minute Tommy came back with tea. He put the other cup on his bedside table.

Ranboo hums "what's that?"

"Tea drink some" Tommy gave Ranboo his cup.

Ranboo drinks it slowly.

"It will help you fall asleep" Tommy yawned.

"Thanks toms.." Ranboo took another sip

"Mhm" Tommy smiled.

Ranboo yawns "I'm tired"

"Good that's the point of the tea" Tommy put his tea down.

Ranboo puts his tea down quickly falling asleep.

Tommy got up and went out to the garden. He sat in the flowers.  Juniper came down and sat next to Tommy. "You took a long time"

"Oh yeah I had to put Ranboo to sleep" Tommy shrugs. "How was your morning?"

"Good" Jupiner mumbled annoyed with the fact Tommy was with ranboo

"That's good. you wanna go on a ride with me?" Tommy questioned

Juniper nodded "yes!"

Tommy went to the stable and hopped on his horse. He helped juniper get on and they went out to some of the other kingdoms.

Wilbur opened Tommy's door closing it not seeing Tommy around. He was looking around for tommy and at this point, he was kinda panicked. Ranboo was asleep in his room so he obviously wasn't there.

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