Chapter nine

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Tw: rape, abuse (mental and physical)

It was raining outside and he had just gotten back. He wasn't able to steal anything and he was about seven. His dad walked over

"What did you steal today worthless child" ranboo's dad snarled at him

Little ranboo looked up nervously at his dad. "I-i wasn't able to" he mumbled covering himself admittedly.

Ranboos dad picked ranboo up from his throat and threw him across the room before walking over hitting ranboo.

"Dad! Dad! Please" little ranboo yelled

"don't call me dad you will never be my son stupid whore" his dad said before beating ranboo a bunch.

"Now you know the punishment ranboo when you don't steal you get to have a fun time with daddy~," he said taking ranboos shirt and pants off.

Ranboo gasped and woke up in a cold sweat sobbing.

Tommy groans half-awake. "Hmm, what's up?..."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up"  Ranboo whispered to Tommy wiping his eyes from tears. He had another nightmare.

"Hey it's okay" Tommy sat up pulling Ranboo into his lap

Ranboo nuzzled into Tommy whimpering "you should go back to sleep" he whispered feeling bad he woke up Tommy.

"Nah I'm awake now" Tommy shrugs

Ranboo whimpered into Tommy. " I had another nightmare"

"Oh, it's okay. What was it about?" Tommy kissed his forehead.

Ranboo tightened his grip on Tommy "I-I-" sobs

"It's okay! Don't sob!" Tommy rubbed his back.

Ranboo tightened his grip on Tommy whimpering. "I don't wanna talk about it" he mumbled

"It's okay, you don't have to" Tommy squeezed him in a tight hug.

Ranboo whimpers "I don't wanna get memories back like this"

"But then you will never remember I can try to take you someone tomorrow morning we just have to make it through the night" Tommy held Ranboo

"Don't go.." he whimpered  "I'm scared he'll do it again"

"Do what again?" Tommy looked more alarmed. He wrapped his arms around Ranboo's waist.

Ranboo flinches at the touch "h-he beat me then tried to make m-me" he whimpered

"Shhh, it's okay your safe here no one can touch you.." Tommy whispered. He kissed Ranboo's cheek. "I'm here I promise I won't leave"

"I didn't like it" Ranboo mumbled he was still crying.

"I know.. He's dead now he can't hurt you anymore.." Tommy squeezed him tightly. "I won't ever let you go"

Ranboo nuzzled into Tommy scared "why did I have to remember that"

"If it was bad trauma your brain blocked it so it might want you to remember so in order to remember what happened recently you have to remember what happened in the past" Tommy softly explained.

Ranboo whimpered "why..."

"I'm not sure" Tommy kissed his head. "Now try to sleep again don't think about the nightmare"

Ranboo nodded and waited for Tommy to fall asleep.

Tommy rubbed Ranboo's back not wanting to sleep until he knew Ranboo was asleep and comfortable.

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