Chapter six

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Tommy woke up shaking Ranboo gently. He got up and crawled outside. He greets his horse with a few pats.

Ranboo curled up into a ball not wanting to get up still in the cave.

Tommy shouted for Ranboo.

Ranboo groaned as he sat up yawning.

"Come on Ranboo we have to get back home I didn't tell them we were going out" Tommy hopped on his horse.

Ranboo nods and goes over to get on the horse. "I'm surprised you put that much trust in me to not run away"

"Why would my number one simp run away from me~" Tommy giggled starting to ride to Redwood kingdom.

"I'm not a simp I despised you before I met you and still kinda do." Ranboo huffs

"Aww really? How come!" Tommy leaned up giving him a peck on the lips.

"Because you're a royal brat who gets everything he wants. You have a good family And you get every meal without having To think about other people " ranboo said in an annoyed tone


"Sometimes I wish I wasn't born as a prince with all the responsibilities, I barely spend time with my mom before she died.." Tommy just looked forward crying. "If you don't want to be here just leave I don't really care. I'm not even allowed outside..". 

Ranboo rubbed Tommy's back feeling bad and not knowing what to say so just sat silently rubbing Tommy's back in a comforting way.

They rode in silence until they got back. Tommy sneaked into the living room Ranboo following behind. Phill hears the room turning quickly his brothers sitting on the couch with worried expressions.

Wilbur ran over cupping his face in his hands. "OH MY GOD TOMMY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN WE CHECKED EVERYWHERE" Wilbur wept. 

Technoblade and Phill came over after asking questions.

Tommy sighed "I'm fine I'm fine I just went out to the creek"


"IT'S NOT FAIR!" Tommy looked back at Ranboo before running upstairs to his room tears starting to form in his eyes. He slammed his door. He sat at his desk and started working on old paper.

Wilbur came up after him as well opening the door. "Tommy you have to tell father how you feel," Wilbur muttered. "You are the heir technoblade wants to fight and travel and I'm going to another kingdom but you are very smart and can make your own decisions now go tell dad how you feel I believe in you"

Tommy nodded and headed downstairs "dad can we talk," he said in a low voice.

"Hm finally you speak up I'm listening" Phill crossed his arms.

Tommy took a big sigh "it's not fair I never get any freedom I'm always locked up in here I want to get out and I wasn't by myself I had Ranboo with me and he didn't leave me the whole time he can be trusted but it's never fair how I'm locked inside when technoblade and Wilbur are aloud outside always have been without permission but I'm not? I hate my responsibility and sometimes I just want an escape and that was an escape. I shouldn't have To tell anyone anything to have some me time. I don't care if I'm the next of heir I need a break and I need some sort of freedom"

Tommy nervously looked down scared of what his dad was going to say. Maybe he shouldn't have done this.

"We have a garden but I understand. Your my next heir and if you got hurt and died what would have happened? I wouldn't have an heir. I want to trust you I really do but under till you start telling me you're going out. The rule stays" Philza pats his head "I just don't want to lose another Family member you look just like your mom from the day you were born"

Tommy sniffles "fine.." he starts heading to the garden grabbing ranboos hand and dragging him to the garden.

"Huh-" Ranboo mumbled caught off guard

"Tommy wait you can go out just bring Ranboo and be careful.." Phill shouted out to him.

Wilbur nodded at Phill saying he did the right thing.

Tommy went into the gardens counting to drag Ranboo sitting down. Ranboo sat down with him

"I hate this" Tommy said on the brink of tears

Ranboo rubbed toms back "I'm sorry" " he mumbled

"It's okay it's not your fault I just shouldn't have to explain myself to go outside" Tommy mumbled

Ranboo hummed patting Tommy's back. He kissed the top of Tommy's head.

"Hmph" Tommy laid his head on Ranboo's lap.

Ranboo played with Tommy's hair smiling a little.

Tommy sat up giving Ranboo a kiss only backing off after a second. "Sorry-"

"Don't be" Ranboo said giving Tommy a Quick peck and smiling.

"Hehe I still need a king or Queen... but I can't get with the biggest thief in the kingdom" Tommy huffed a hint of sadness in his tone

Ranboo frowned "I don't think we can be together toms. I'd love to but I'm not exactly king material, especially with my recent past"

"Oh.. but" Tommy frowns.

"The kingdom is more important Your the heir you need someone that won't disappoint or make the kingdom go mad" Ranboo almost whispered upset

"But.. I love you" Tommy whimpered.

"I love you too but the kingdom is more important Tommy and you know that and you know you'll have to choose the kingdom no matter what" he mumbled looking Tommy directly in the eye

"Your right..." Tommy sat up. "I will have to find a Queen so I can continue  the legacy"

Ranboo shrugs "you could adopt-"

"But I can't be with you anyways" Tommy shrugs

"It's stupid" ranboo mumbles

"Not my fault you stole from my kingdom"

"I don't think we'd be able to anyway I'm a peasant idiot" ranboo huff

"I almost married a peasant no one cared" Tommy stuck his tongue out

"Oh" ranboo mumbled

"Anyways you should go do nice things in the kingdom" Tommy hummed

"Maybe if I do we can get together" ranboo softly smiled.

"Maybe" Tommy gets up and ranboo also does.

While getting up ranboo saw someone In the push with a dart gun aimed at Tommy.

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