Chapter 11

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Help this is the only book we can upload cause we're caught up on others and pines having some troubles with notes which is where we write so🧍‍♂️ anyway hello Tw:OD (Noa)

"Ahem Tommy explain" juniper stared at Tommy

Tommy got up off Ranboo. "Oh hey babe, what's up?" Tommy turned to Juniper.

Juniper huffs "don't babe me! I saw you guys"

Tommy started to sweat. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize what I was doing." Tommy stood up walking over to Juniper.

Ranboo felt kinda hurt but he should've expected that. Tommy was dating juniper not him.

Juniper groaned "you just cheated on me and you're all touchy with him!"

"Well I'm touchy with you and I didn't mean to kiss him it just happened" Tommy frowns.

"How does that just happen? And I'm your boyfriend you better be touchy with me! You have no reason to be touchy with the thief freak!" Juniper snarled

"Don't be rude just because you're mad doesn't excuse the fact I'm above you. I will do whatever you need to feel comfortable right?" Tommy sat down with a sigh.

Ranboo stood up mumbling "ima leave"

Juniper glared at ranboo "shut up we don't wanna hear you"

Tommy stood up and snapped at Juniper "I can replace you if need be your acting like your the prince and you hired me. Know your place. Finding a job after being fired from the royal family won't be easy" Tommy snapped harshly.

"You're taking his side over mine?" Juniper almost yelled

"No, I told you don't be rude, and yet your snapping at me like your the prince here you need to know your place just because your dating me doesn't mean you get to be a bitch" Tommy bent down getting close up in Juniper's face a serious expression on his face.

Juniper Huffed "fine then"

Ranboo nervously bit his lip watching everything happen.

"Now what do you want me to do to make it up to you?" Tommy stands up again.

"Start hanging out with me more than you hang out with him" juniper stared at Ranboo

"Fine alright I'm still sleeping in my room" Tommy shrugs "plus I have to watch after him so he follows me everywhere so he'll end up being with us sometimes"

Juniper groans "ugh okay"

"Now what do you want to do?"

Juniper shrugs "I dunno"

Meanwhile, Ranboo had left to go to Tommy's room just sitting there. "How did this happen" he mumbled.

Wilbur came up knocking on the door. He saw everything.

"Come in" Ranboo huffed laying down.

Wilbur came in Ranboo sat up "Tommy's not in here" he mumbled

"I saw what happened. Tommy didn't mean what he said he is in love with you, not Juniper. He never talks about Juniper ever he just talks about you" Wilbur hummed

"Oh" Ranboo mumbled "it still hurt though"

"I'm sure it did. If you ever need to talk, I'm here alright?" Wilbur pat Ranboo's head smiling.

Ranboo nodded "thanks Wilbur" he smiles a bit "Tommy's lucky to have a big brother like you"

"I will be your big brother too!" Wilbur laughs "No problem bud"

Ranboo smiles crying a little.

"Don't cry!" Wilbur sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Ranboo sniffled

"It's okay crying is fine you know!" Wilbur pat Ranboo's head.

Ranboo smiles a little. "Thanks will."

"Mhm!" Wilbur got up. "Well, talk to Tommy when you get the chance alright? I have to go now have a great night"

"Thanks, Wilbur, and bye I will" Ranboo smiles laying back down.

Tommy was hanging out with Juniper. "Hey, Juni. I don't think this will work out. You have been on me all day it's just getting uncomfortable and you've been weird this whole time" Tommy looked away

Juniper scoffs "fine. I'm much better than him though"

"Sure" Tommy climbed down the latter. Tommy rushed to his room to see Ranboo.

Ranboo was playing with Tommy's bed sheets.

"What are you doing-" Tommy walked in staring at Ranboo.

Ranboo puts the bed sheet down. "I dunno-"

"Uh okay." Tommy awkwardly sat on his bed.

"How was it with juniper?" Ranboo mumbled

"I broke up with Juni" Tommy shrugs. "Well, I'm going to go shower."

"I- what oh-" Ranboo mumbled confused

Tommy grabs some clothes and goes to his bathroom and started to shower.

"He broke up with juniper?" Ranboo mumbled confusedly. He sat up playing with the bed sheets nervously again.

Tommy came out of the shower with just a towel on. He looked through his closet. Ranboo looked away red. Fuck why did Tommy have to be so hot?

Tommy got up and went to his bedside table. "Hmm, have you seen a pill bottle anywhere in here?" Tommy questioned turning to Ranboo running a hand through his hair.

Ranboo refused to look up at Tommy panicking from how hot he was like that. He shook his head "no I haven't"

Tommy grabbed Ranboo's chin. "Are you sure darling?~" Tommy spoke seductively in a low voice.

Ranboo went redder as he gulped. "I-I-" he stuttered not being able to talk.

"Well?~" Tommy got closer his lips almost touching Ranboo's lips. "I'm waiting for an answer love~"

Ranboos breathe hitched "I'm sure toms" he barely got it out

"Hm alright," Tommy let go acting like he didn't do anything. He went back to the bathroom and finished changing.

Ranboo covered his head inside his hands. "Holy shit my heart" he mumbled

Tommy came out shirtless like usual. He flopped onto the bed.

Ranboo still had his head in his hands completely red.

"You alright?" Tommy poked his side trying to get Ranboo's attention.

"Yeah.." Ranboo mumbled

"You sure love?" Tommy sat up and laid in Ranboo's lap.

Ranboo hugs Tommy nuzzling into Tommy's neck nodding. Tommy smiled kissing Ranboo's collarbone.

"Tired" Ranboo mumbled

"Let's sleep, then" Tommy hummed pulling Ranboo down and holding onto him tightly.

Ranboo nuzzled into Tommy falling asleep quickly.

Tommy couldn't sleep without his medicine. He got up and went downstairs to look he quickly found it took it then head back upstairs to his room.

Tommy laid in bed still unable to sleep. Did the medicine not work? He went back down and ate the rest of the pills in the bottle. He could barely walk upstairs as he was so tired. He gently got in bed and fell asleep instantly.

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