Chapter seven

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Tw: almost dying, getting shot, and memory loss

The dart got shot and everything seemed to be in slow-mo as ranboo jumped in front of the shot so Tommy doesn't get hit.

Ranboo gets hit and falls down. "Ow" he mumbled

Tommy turned to face Ranboo. "Are you okay what happened?-" Tommy walked over.

"Yeah I'm fine just got hit with a dart" ranboos voice weakened and you could see the dart in his arm he was slightly bleeding too.

"Oh!" Tommy picked up Ranboo. "Come on let's get inside first"

Tommy sat him on the couch. He went to grab the nurse and first aid. He came back and sat next to Ranboo nervously. The nurse started to ask questions. "Okay, How do you feel?"

"Ima pass out..." he mumbled

"No you have to stay awake," The nurse said placing an ice pack on his forehead. She took out the dart. "It's poisoned.." She ran out to her office grabbing some medicine.

As soon as she took it out Ranboo passed out.

Tommy's eyes filled with worry and he shakes Ranboo. "RANBOO RANBOO ITS TIME TO WAKE UP WAKE UP RANBOO" Tommy shouted tears forming in his eyes he couldn't see a future with anyone else.

The nurse came back and took out a needle and stuck it in "Now we have to wait and see if it works" Tommy started to cry.

Tommy couldn't do it he needed ranboo. He was holding onto ranboos hand for dear life. "Please ranboo please" he mumbled

Phill came down seeing what was happening rushed over. "Is everything alright?!"

Wilbur followed behind phill "what happened?!"

Tommy kept crying not saying anything holding ranboos hand close.

Wilbur sat down and hugged Tommy mumbling comforting words as Phill talked to the nurse. Technoblade came through the front door and sat with them.

Ranboo almost looked lifeless laying there.

"I don't see myself with anyone but him" Tommy weeped

"Tommy I'm sure he will wake up I bet the kingdom wouldn't mind if you married him now if he proved himself to the kingdom and I think saving your life will prove himself" Wilbur rubbed his back. All three of them gave him kind words

The nurse sighed. "He should be up in a few hours"

Tommy nodded. Tommy talked to his family waiting for him to wake up.

-a couple of hours later-

Philza left and technoblade was sent after the snipper. Wilbur was there playing music for Tommy.

Tommy was staring at ranboo begging him to wake up.

"Thanks for talking with me will" Tommy whimpered.

"Of course Tommy"  Wilbur whispered

Tommy gently shakes Ranboo. "Please wake up.." Tommy mumbled.

After a bit. Ranboo slowly opened his eyes looking at tommy.

"OH MY GOD" Tommy squeezed him tightly. Tommy started sobbing. Wilbur pat Tommy's back.

"I'm sorry. Who are you" ranboo mumbles?

Wilbur's eyes widened "did he lose his memory?"

Tommy got off of Ranboo. "Oh I'm prince Tommy and that's my brother Prince Wilbur. You're in Redwood castle and your dad is dead so we are taking care of you" Tommy mumbled re-introducing himself.

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