Chapter four

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Tw: abuse and murder

Ranboo awkwardly scooted back a little scared of technoblade wrath.

"Uhhh" Tommy nervously sat down the food

"Well? Ranboo do you know?" Technoblade crossed his arms.

Wilbur came down as well. "Told you so Techno"

" I thought you were 'playing the guitar for quackity '" Tommy said doing quotation marks

Ranboo didn't say anything scared of upsetting techno.

Technoblade glared "who's gonna answer?" Wilbur sticks his tongue at Tommy.

Wilbur huffs "Tommy you should answer," he said glaring at Tommy

Technoblade's eyes were filled with rage. "Come on speak up why are you HAND feeding a thief?" Technoblade crossed his arms.

Tommy huffs "he's nice and Wilbur tied his hands really tight so he couldn't eat himself and it was just easier to feed him I'd have to watch over anyway so" 

Ranboo just sat there surprised that just happened.

"YOU COULD HAVE HAD MAIDS FEED HIM OR HAVE WILL UNTIE HIM. HE STOLE FROM YOUR KINGDOM TOMMY HE STOLE THE ONE THING WE HAVE OF MOM LEFT. The one thing that isn't breathing. I don't want you to go off with a thief Tommy your the one last thing mom left me and will I don't want you to get hurt" Technoblade sighed. He uncrossed his arms. You could see the pain in his eyes. Wilbur's eyes started to form tears.

Ranboo gulped feeling bad.

"I was feeding him techno I wasn't running off with him I know he stole things from the kingdom just..." Tommy mumbled

Phill came downstairs. "What's happening?" Wilbur ran to Phill. He held onto him hugging him tightly as he wept.

Ranboo backed away into the wall "uh...." he mumbled

Tommy gulps "I'm sorry techno..." he refused to make eye contact

"Come on boys we can talk about this upstairs" Phill sighed hugging Wilbur.

Ranboo laid his head on his knees. Tommy nodded going out of the cell then closing the cell door and walking upstairs. Techno gave Ranboo a death glare before walking upstairs.

They all sit at the dining table. "So Tommy if you're in love with men that's fine but the thief?" Phill questioned

"He can't!" Technoblade started

Phill shushed him.

Tommy shakes his head "I don't like him guys- he's just a friend now I guess?" He mumbled

Wilbur sat next to Tommy looking at him.

"Well, what are you gonna do with him?" Phill questioned.

Technoblade looked a little upset. "I don't care if you like guys but a thief Tommy?" Wilbur just shoved him with his elbow.

Tommy huffs "guys I don't like him! He's just really nice and fun to talk to. It's boring here and by myself and having him talk to me is nice"

Phill sighed "it seems like you do you can hang out with us but nope you hang with him all day no matter what"

Techno groans "can we just kill him? He's been a thief for 11 years here and stole Tommy's necklace he should've died when I found him."

"Well, it's Tommy's choice" Phill crossed his arms. "But you better pick soon or Technoblade can do as he, please. In 4 days"

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