Chapter 12

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Guys Tommy didn't OD anyway tw: OD and needles

Ranboo nuzzled into Tommy not wanting to wake up.

Tommy's breath goes from deep to shallow continuously.

Ranboo sat up "toms? Your breathing is weird" he mumbled .

Tommy was dead asleep. Ranboo shook Tommy "toms toms your breathing is weird"

Tommy didn't wake up just a quiet mumble.
Ranboo started panicking "Tommy toms"

Tommy didn't even make a sound this time. He was breathing but barely. It was like sleep was consuming him. Ranboo kept shaking Tommy trying to get him to wake up now crying from being scared.

Tommy went limp. His nerves shut down.

Ranboo's eyes widened as he ran out of the room "where's the nurse?!"

The nurse came out of her room on the main floor. "Hm? Who called me?" The nurse had her bag looking around.

"Tommy isn't responding" Ranboo grabbed her arm dragging her to Tommy's room

"O- oh okay-" She walked in and put her hand on his forehead "he's burning up with a fever. When he wakes up he will be frightened but other than that he will be fine. I will just give him some adrenaline to wake him" The nurse took a needle and put the adrenaline in.

Ranboo nodded watching holding Tommy's hand.

The nurse left smiling at their relationship.

Tommy woke up gasping jumping back in a frightened state. Ranboo squeezed his hand "your okay toms"

Tommy sobbed covering his eyes. Ranboo sat up on the bed pulling Tommy into his lap and rubbing his back. "It's okay don't worry," Ranboo said in a comforting voice

Tommy buried himself in Ranboo's chest. "They are everywhere"

"What's everywhere?" Ranboo hummed rubbing Tommy's back.

"People are everywhere judging me to be the perfect king that I can't be" Tommy sobbed

Ranboo cupped Tommy's face "Tommy you'll be an amazing king everyone will love you okay? You won't let them down"

"Well they hate who I hope to be the new king" Tommy wiped his tears with a sigh

"They won't don't worry" Ranboo kisses Tommy's forehead

"I just don't want them to hate you" Tommy frowns.

Ranboo hums "I don't know how they would react. I'm not sure how bad I stole but"

"I'm sure you did save my life.." Tommy smiled

"Yeah but didn't I do bad things in the past?" Ranboo mumbled

"You just stole that's all" Tommy stuck his tongue out.

"Ah" Ranboo nodded

"Hm, we should tell the kingdom. I wanna marry you no one else" Tommy huffed

Ranboo went red "I-"

"Will you go out with me?" Tommy questions.

Ranboo nodded smiling "yeah!"

"Thank you! I'm the lucky man alive" Tommy kissed Ranboo for 30 seconds before tackling him with a giggle.

Ranboo smiled pulling Tommy close.

Tommy held onto him.

Ranboo hums "I never thought this would happen to me"

"Hehe really now~" Tommy laughed

Ranboo gave Tommy a quick peck on the lips. "How are you going to explain having a boyfriend and now you wanna marry me?"

"Eh" Tommy shrugs

Ranboo laughs.

"Well I'm going talk to my dad" Tommy gets up going over to Phizas room

Philza was reading in his room he put the book down when he saw Tommy. "What's up son?"

"I found my partner" Tommy looked down.

"Who you wanna marry?" Philza tilted his head

"I.. I want to marry.. Ranboo" Tommy choked back tears scared of what was about to happen.

Philza smiles "I knew it. But I hope you know the kingdom may not be fully happy with this decision"

"How- I know but a good king is a holy king" Tommy looked down at the floor trying to figure out how Philza knew.

Philza walked over and hugged Tommy "you two will fit well as a pair to rule."

Tommy hugged Phil back smiling "Thanks Dad"

"Of course go tell your brothers too!" Philza smiled letting go of Tommy

"Alright!" Tommy went to Wilbur's room without knocking as he usually does.

Wilbur was softly strumming his guitar playing something he stopped. "Hi, Tommy what's up?"

"I'm planning on marrying Ranboo" Tommy blurts. "I'm surprised y'all aren't at quackity's busting it down"

Wilbur flips Tommy off "fuck you and congratulations I'm not surprised"

"Hehe I love you too" Tommy giggled leaving. Tommy went to Technoblade's door next knocking.

Technoblade opened the door "Tommy what do you need?"

"Promise you won't be mad?" Tommy hugged Techno.

Technoblade hugs back "as long as you didn't steal something of mine or committed a crime"

"I'm marrying Ranboo" Tommy tightened the hug hoping Techno wouldn't react badly

Technoblade smiled ruffling Tommy's hair "congratulations but if he does anything again I won't hesitate to hurt him alright?"

"Alright! Thank you" Tommy let go rushing back to his room.

"Your back hi toms!" Ranboo smiles

"Yup! They support!" Tommy giggled

"Support what? Us getting married?" Ranboo mumbled

"Yeah! Dad said we would be a great ruling pair!" Tommy smiled

Ranboo smiled "that's good!"

"Hehe" Tommy tackled Ranboo laying on top of him.

Ranboo giggles "why-"

"Why not love" Tommy sticks his tongue out.

"Okie then" Ranboo mumbled

"Well I'm gonna nap" Tommy laid for a nap

"Night " Ranboo mumbled

"Night" Tommy fell asleep

Ranboo smiled watching him

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