Chapter 3; first day

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Tommy woke up and after getting dressed he immediately went downstairs to the dungeon. Wilbur was down there playing his guitar. "Hey will what are you doing down here?" Tommy questioned.

"So I don't bother anyone as I play" Wilbur smiled at Tommy.

Ranboo was sitting there humming. He wasn't used to staying still he was usually stealing 24/7. And someone was also playing music down the hallway.

"I see" Tommy blinked as he handed a plate of food to Ranboo through the gate. "Here the maids made for you." Tommy sat down and listened to Wilbur play. He was on the other side of the dungeon hallway playing by himself not wanting to annoy anyone upstairs.

Ranboo took it "thanks I guess also your brother is good" he mumbled.

"Oh yeah, he plays all the time he's wonderful and no problem" Tommy smiled. He got up unlocked the door stepped in and untied his hands. He came out again locking the door.

Ranboo stretched his arms and hands before taking a bite. "Holy shit this is good" he mumbled he doesn't have full meals often if ever.

"Oh yeah, the maids can cook!" Tommy smiled "do you eat often?"

"No I wasn't able to and when I did it was small things like an apple or a banana" Ranboo mumbled

"You poor thing!" Tommy huffed

Wilbur started to play romantic music with his guitar singing "my brother is in love with a thief"

Ranboo shrugged "not really I got used to it"

"Shut up Wilbur!" Tommy huffed growing from pink to red.

Ranboo hummed continuing to eat "why are you down here anyway" Ranboo mumbled

"Why not" Tommy sticks his tongue out.

Ranboo sighs and finishes eating.

"What's up?" Tommy questioned. Wilbur stops singing but continued playing romantic music on his guitar.

"I'm stuck in a cell what do you mean what's up " Ranboo face planted

"Oh, whatever you seem down" Tommy groans.

Ranboo shrugs "I don't know how"

"Whatever whatever" Tommy groans "Your mean but pretty at the same time"

"Thanks?" Ranboo didn't know how to take that.

"Your so awkward you're welcome" Tommy huffed

"Well excuse me but I'm not used to compliments" Ranboo grumbled

"Well your pretty" Tommy grumbled

Ranboo rolled his eyes "whatever"

"Hmph, I'm leaving" Tommy got up to leave.

"Bye then" Ranboo shrugged

"Bye," Tommy said leaving.

Ranboo yawned sitting in his cell. His hands were free he could easily get out, But Wilbur was still down here he can't.

"Hmph Tommy needs to remember to tie you up" Wilbur came over and unlocked the door retied the ropes and leaves locking it. He continued to play his guitar

Ranboo huffed "damn it"

"You're not leaving" Wilbur grumbled

Ranboo rolls his eyes "wasn't planning to" he mumbled.

"We all know that's a lie" Wilbur hummed

"Yeah yeah, it's actually quite nice down here," Ranboo said humming.

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