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⚠️TW/ self harm, suicidal thoughts ⚠️

"han jisung." professor park sighed. "late again."

"i'm really sorry ma'am." he bowed.

"stay after the lecture."

jisung sighed, walking to his seat.

"hey, you know if you're going to be late you could at least look presentable." minho chuckled.

"hey, you know if you're going to open your mouth you could at least not be a bitch." jisung snapped back.

"as if you're one to talk." minho scoffed.

"awww...go cry me a river." jisung rolled his eyes.

"you know what, you can both stay after again." professor park snapped.


"you two." she sighed as minho and jisung stood in front of her desk. "jisung your parents are on the way. you're really beginning to concern me."

"what did you tell them?" jisung asked quickly.

"i just said your behavior was really concerning me. minho you can leave i'll just deal with you another time."

minho shrugged, walking out. he held the door open for the man and woman he assumed to be jisungs parents.

"hi ma'am we're here for- oh." the woman froze.

"mr. and mrs. han." professor park bowed.

"i thought you said junhan." the woman muttered.

"that's what i thought too."

"aren't you jisungs parents?" she asked.

"no." mrs. han answered.

"i've never seen that child in my life." mr. han added.

"oh...sorry to bug you." professor park bowed.

"mom, dad." jisung called out, fighting back tears.

"i don't know who you are." mrs. han snapped quickly.

"we'll be leaving now." his father bowed.

"it says they're your parents.." professor park muttered.

"yeah well it shouldn't!" jisung yelled, storming out of the room. he allowed the tears to fall down his face as he walked to his car.

"jisung?" felix called out as he rushed past him and changbin. "jisung!"

"not now!" he replied.

"bubs what's wrong?" felix asked as he grabbed jisungs wrist.

"lix i-.." jisung sobbed, being pulled into felix's chest.

"what's his deal?" minho asked as he approached changbin.

"no clue."

"do you want to come over?" felix asked gently.

"no. i want to be alone." jisung sobbed.

"can i trust you to be alone?"

felix didn't get an answer, only feeling jisung cry harder.

"changbin hyung, i'm going to take him." felix smiled.

"no lix, i'll drive." jisung said, wiping his tears as more fell.

"i don't trust you to drive right now and i don't trust you alone." felix responded.

"felix i'll be fine." jisung spoke through clenched teeth.

"will you? i don't want to be pushy but i'm scared." felix responded quietly.

"i will. i love you lix." jisung smiled.

"okay...call me if you need me, okay?"

"i will. i might come over later and i'll tell you what happened." jisung gave felix one more hug before getting in his car.

"will he be okay?" changbin asked.

"i don't know..."

"last time i saw him his parents were with him." minho spoke quietly.

"his parents?" felix questioned. he doesn't have parents.

"yeah, professor park called them." minho nodded.

"fuck i have to go." felix rushed to his car, slamming the door.


you're worthless jisung. your own parents can't even stand the sight of you.

you don't even have parents.

they disowned you, remember?

jisung sobbed as he dragged the blade across his arm.

you should just end it all now.

go ahead.

kill yourself.

what do you have left to live for?

jisung placed the blade directly over the veins in his wrist.

"HAN JISUNG!" felix screamed out as he slammed the door behind him.

jisung sighed as he continued to sob.

"jisung open the door." he said gently. "you're scaring me."

jisung sighed, putting his blade back into the pretty box. he placed the box back onto the shelf.

"ji-" felix was cut off when jisung opened the door.

"lix." he sobbed, wrapping his bloody arms around felix's torso.

felix held him tightly as he felt the warm blood seeping into his shirt.

"please move in with me." felix muttered. "the lease ends next month so let's just move now and we can help clean everything."

"felix." he sobbed.

"i'll pack your clothes to take to my apartment, we can worry about the rest later. let's clean you up first."

"i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." jisung sobbed. "they pretend not to even know me."

"sungs...these are so deep." felix muttered as he began cleaning jisungs arms. "can i call changbin hyung? his moms a doctor and i'm really scared right now."

"sure." jisung said quietly.

"i'll be right back, stay here." felix said as he dried his hands.

"okay. thank you lix." jisung smiled.

"changbin hyung." felix said as soon as his call was answered.

"hey lix, what's up?"

"i need you to come to jisungs apartment now. it's an emergency." felix spoke quickly.

"slow down lix, what happened?"

"he..i need your help theyre so deep im so scared." felix broke down.

"lix take a deep breath. i need you to communicate with me." changbin spoke calmly.

"he cut himself and they're deep. i need your help. you can help right?" felix spoke as he took deep breaths.

"yeah, actually. i can. i'm pretty good at it. text me his address. is it okay if minho is with me?"

"i don't have time to care about that, i need you here as soon as possible." felix tried not to scream at him as he texted him jisungs address.

"im five minutes away. i'll be there in two." he said as he hung up.

a/n: i love you guys.

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