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"junhan?" jisung asked confusedly as he opened his door.

how did he find me? why is he here in the middle of the night? who's this boy he's with?

"jisung you have to help me." junhan collapsed into his brothers arms.

"come in." jisung pulled junhan into the apartment, allowing his guest to enter. "what's happening? who are you?"

"i-i'm jooyeon." he spoke nervously.

"why are you guys here? junhan how'd you find me?" jisung was beyond confused.

"i've known where you lived since you were kicked out. but can i live here with you? b-both of us actually..." junhan spoke quickly.

"jun, what's going on?" jisung asked seriously.

"jooyeons parents came over for dinner. just to talk business. b-but our parents..caught us..." junhan began crying again.

"okay...both of you go get some rest. we'll talk about and deal with this tomorrow." jisung sighed.

"okay...thank you ji." junhan hugged him tightly.

jisung opened up his arms for jooyeon, allowing the boy to create a group hug.

"you guys will be okay. i'll take care of you." jisung said gently.

how the fuck am i supposed to take care of them.


"jisung you're late again." professor park just sighed.

"yeah i fucking know that! holy fuck!" jisung snapped.

if he looked tired on any normal day, he looked dead today.

his eyes were still red and puffy. the bags and dark circles under his eyes were more prominent than normal. his hair was a mess and he was still in his pajamas.

he was beyond stressed and very snappy today.

"excuse you?" professor park was taken aback. han jisung was always late, but he was always polite.

"you don't have to announce it to the class every day. everyone can fucking see that i'm walking through the door late!"

"woah, someone didn't get his beauty sleep." minho snickered.

"lee minho i will cut your tongue out and make you swallow it." jisung threatened as his head snapped towards minho.

"damn, what the fuck is your problem?" minho scoffed.

"wouldn't you like to fucking know." jisung scoffed.

"han jisung, come with me." professor park exited the room.

jisung groaned, following her out.

"what's going on?" she asked gently.

"i'm sorry i wasn't able to sleep. i have some personal stuff going on." jisung answered, refusing to look at her.

"i can only help you if you open up to me."

"it's okay, ma'am. i'll figure it out." jisung gave a tight lipped smile.

"jisung-" professor park sighed as the boy walked back into the classroom.

"awww did baby get in trouble with the teacher?" minho mocked as jisung entered the classroom.

"do you want me to beat your ass?" jisung deadpanned.

"go ahead, i'd love to see you try." minho snickered.

"jisung..someone's here for you." professor park said as she entered the classroom.

jisungs heart dropped as he saw his mother at the doorway.

"awwww, is mommy here for you?" minho laughed.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" jisung yelled as he got up, walking out of the room. he slammed the door behind him, standing in front of the woman he was supposed to call his mother.

"i haven't seen junhan last night since i caught his gay ass making out with jooyeon. fucking ridiculous. just thought i'd let you know i no longer have any kids." she spoke.

"and why would you tell me? i'm not your child." jisung snapped.

"well-i-" she stuttered. "whatever. just letting you know your brother is no longer my kid."

"HES ONLY SIXTEEN YOU BITCH!" jisung screamed.

"how dare you talk to me that way?"

"i owe you nothing. you can leave now. i haven't been your son for five years. get lost." jisung said as he grabbed the door handle, only to feel a sting on his cheek.

she slapped him.

"how dare you- get back here!" she yelled as he opened the door, marching back in. "oh- i'm sorry." she bowed.

"you're fucking embarrassing." jisung said as he grabbed his things, leaving.

"jisung you can't just- okay i guess he can." professor park sighed.

"jisung." his "mother" followed after him. "jisung do you know where he is?"

"why do you care? he's not your son anymore." jisung scoffed.

she didn't say anything more, simply leaving.

jisung broke down, grabbing onto the railing closest to him. he knelt down, allowing himself to sob.

"hey, stand up." he heard from behind him.

"what the fuck do you want?" jisung sobbed out.

"come with me." minho grabbed his arm, dragging him with him.

"where are you taking me?"

"just shut up and come with me!" minho stopped at a vending machine, getting a can of melon milkis. "drink this." he said as he opened it.

jisung just looked at him, hesitating to take it from minho and take a drink.

"thanks." he muttered.

"now, calm down. you'll get through it." minho said, walking away.

jisung just stood there, staring at the ground.

i hate him so much.

a/n: hi my loves! how are you? how's back to school? how's work?

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