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"what's on your mind?" chaeyoung asked jisung as she unpacked a new box full of books.

"more like who." sana smirked.

"nothing, just stressed." jisung sighed.

"do you need a break?" sana asked gently.

"no it's okay. here, i'll put these away." jisung stood up, loading the new books onto a cart.

"i'll handle these. you go take a smoke break, you need it." chaeyoung chuckled.

"thanks." jisung said with a small smile.

he stepped outside, taking a cigarette and placing it between his lips. he lit it, leaning his head back against the wall as he took a drag.

"hey hot stuff, fancy seeing you here." minho spoke with a playful smirk pulling at his lips.

"what the fuck do you want?" jisung groaned.

"i was just coming to find poetry books, didn't know you'd be here. are you stalking me?" minho asked playfully.

"i work here, dumbass." jisung rolled his eyes as minho took the cigarette from his hand to take a drag.

does that count as an indirect kiss? jisung ignored the blush that slowly made its way to his face.

"great! so you can help me find this poetry book." minho smiled.

"which one?" jisung sighed as minho handed the cigarette back to him.

"sister luna. do you have that here?" he asked.

"yeah. i'll get it for you when i'm done with this."

"thank you jisungie." minho smirked.

"i told you to stop with that." jisung rolled his eyes.

"why? scared cause you like it?" minho teased.

"i don't have to get the book for you. and what's with you being so flirty?" jisung pretended to gag.

"it makes you blush." minho shrugged.

"as if, asswipe." jisung shook his head.

"you say that, but you look like a tomato." minho laughed.

"fine, two can play at this game." jisung muttered.

"what was that princess? speak up i couldn't hear you." minho replied.

"let's go baby." jisung put out his cigarette, dragging minho into the bookstore.

"oh? baby?" minho smirked.

"i'll crush you under a shelf if you don't shut the fuck up." jisung warned.

"i'd like that." minho smirked.

"you fucking-" jisung pushed minho against the wall behind one of the shelves.

minhos breathing picked up slightly at the close proximity with jisung.

"what? finish your sentence." minho answered.

"i hate you." jisung replied, holding the fistful of minhos shirt tightly.

"then why do seem like you don't?" minho smirked.

"fuck you." jisung let go of minhos shirt, walking over to the shelf. he grabbed the book minho wanted, throwing it at him.

"thanks cutie." minho winked, walking up to buy the book.

"what the fuck was that?" jisung panted as soon as he couldn't see minho, crouching to the ground.

i hate him so much.

"see ya tomorrow cutie!" minho called out as he exited the store.

"han jisung i swear if i find cum stains back there i'm making you lick it off the wall!" chaeyoung called out.

"ew! what the fuck! no, i hate him!" jisung yelled as he rushed to the front.

"doesn't look like it.." sana teased.

"no, he's an asshole." jisung shook his head.

"sung you look like you want to eat his asshole, chill." chaeyoung chuckled.

"no! never! i will never even be friends with him, i hate him." jisung denied.

"okay, well...have fun with that." chaeyoung smirked.

"stop!" jisung whined, laying down on the ground.

"what are you doing?" sana laughed.

"i'm staying here for the rest of my life. i'm a part of the floor now." jisung deadpanned.

"get up drama queen." chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she laughed.

"nope." jisung refused.

"fine, i guess i'll just have to have that minho guy come pick you up." she shrugged.

"fuck no! i'm up!" jisung was quick to get up.

"that's what i thought." chaeyoung had a satisfied smile on her face.

"you're evil." jisung groaned. "i have to go pick up my brother and his boyfriend."

"don't worry about coming back in today. we'll give you a bonus for compensation since you're so distraught." chaeyoung smiled teasingly.

"you better. i'm off, bye! love you guys!" jisung called out as he grabbed his things, walking out of the bookstore.

he walked to his car, sighing as he got in.

"what's wrong with me? what's wrong with him?" he whined, letting his head hit the steering wheel.

a/n: hahahahahhahahahahahha this is gonna be fun.

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