Chapter 3-I'm so sorry

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I got in my uniform, trying my best to hide the bloodstain. I again entered his room and bowed. I noticed that there was someone else in the corner of the room, hidden in the darkness. I decided not to say anything about it.

"You requested my presence, sir."

"Yes. This is head witch Greye, head of the illusionist coven." Graye stepped out of the darkness. "He will help me find out what has been distracting that small mind of yours." Graye started walking toward me. I was standing still but in my mind I was freaking out.

If he sees Willow in there who knows what he will do?!?

Graye pulled a tiny mirror out of his pocket, he drew a circle and tapped the mirror on it. It zoomed closer to me and immediately, memories started flashing before my eyes. It felt like somebody was trying to chisel my brain out, it hurt. Willows hand was grazing mine as she gave my the two flags during flyer derby. Steve was telling me that it was a crush. I was watching as Belos cracked open my old palismen. It stopped. I was kneeling on the ground, panting. I got up as Belos said:

"Ahh, so this is why you've been so distracted. Graye." He turned to him. "I need you to contact the coven scouts currently on shift. I need you to tell them to send this girl to the Conformatorium." I flinched in place. The Conformatorium? Who knows what would happen to her there? As Graye was leaving Belos turned back to me. "You are excused. Maybe you will be more focused with nothing else to think about." I turned around and as soon as I was out of sight I started running, sprinting to Graye. I caught up with him and told him to stop.

"You can't do this to her! It's my fault! wouldn't do this to a child, right?" I looked at him, desperate. 

"I'm sorry." He continued walking. I just stood there. I didn't know what to do. I was suddenly hit by a stroke of inspiration. It was dumb but I had no other choice. I ran to my room and locked the door. I grabbed Flapjack and he turned into the staff form. I flew out the window. I didn't know exactly where to go so I just looked. It felt like I was looking for hours. Then I finally saw her. She was trying to fight off some coven scouts that were holding her, trying to get her into a cart. She did a really cool move with vines that came out of the ground. I swooped down toward her. She seemed surprised. 

"Hunter?!? What's going on?!?" 

"No time to explain! Come with me!" I held my hand out at her, she pulled out her own staff and got on it. 

"You lead the way."

I just lead her to the forest near The Owl House. I needed to brief her on why she was being hunted by coven scouts. She sat down on a old stump and I was pacing. I was trying to figure out a how to tell her what was going on without straight up saying "I have a crush on you" I was already feeling warm just knowing she trusted me. I sighed and turned to her.

"Ok...I'm so, so sorry. This is all my fault. I was thinking about our game while talking to Belos and he got Graye to look into my mind, and he thought it was just you so he sent out a bounty for your arrest."

Willow looked at me in shock. 

"I'm so sorry Captain." 

"I-it's fine. You couldn't control it."

"Now you're a runaway. You're a runaway because of me." I put my hands on the side of my head, ruffling my hair. "I've basically ruined your life."

I sat down on a different stump, my face in my hands.

"I'm so, so, sorry."

How are they going to fix this?

You'll seeeeeeee


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