Chapter 12-The bloodstained notes

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Still Willow POV:

I walked back to the path where I left Hunter, still staring at the notepad. 

"Who was it? What is that?" I just stared at him. Was it Luz? Why was the notepad here? I gave Hunter the notepad and watched as he frantically flipped through the pages. 

"Oh my gosh, this is all of the research Luz did on us...ever! Like, ALL of it! There's sketches and graphs, everything..." he flipped more and more.

"There's research on when we got stuck here! Look!" He handed the notepad to me. And sure enough, there was writings of what happened in the cave.

Hunter said that his favorite plant was willows! Smooth, Willow was hardcore blushing too!


"I know!"


Hunter POV:

We settled ourselves in a secluded area of trees. Willow made some more plant beds for us and we went to sleep for the night. I still had the notepad that Willow found in the bushes. I got to a page that said:

Willow interview:

1: It's Hunters birthday what do you get him?

Answer: Something for Flapjack.

2: You are home alone with Hunter what do you do?


3: Do you like Hunter?


Hunter interview:

1: It's Willows birthday what do you get her?


2: You are home alone with Willow what do you do?


3: Do you like Willow?


I smiled and took a spare pen from my pocket. I started writing on some of the blank answer spots.

1: It's Willow birthday what do you get her?

Answer: Something she could use and remember me by.

2: You are home alone with Willow what do you do?

Answer: Try my best to avoid her, I don't want any awkward situations.

3: Do you like Willow?

Answer: Yes, I love her so much. She is my everything. <3 


Willow POV:

For some reason I felt like Hunter was keeping something from me. Something serious, something I should be worried about. When he was asleep I took the notepad away from him I looked through it and saw the answers he wrote in the blank spots. I blushed. I was about to put it back when I noticed something in the corner of the page. There were bloodstains on it. I looked at Hunter, there was nothing showing through the leaves. Then I realized there was blood on his sleeves, as though he wiped his mouth on it in the hopes I wouldn't notice. I put the notepad back and sat on my plant bed, tears forming in my eyes. Why would he lie to me?

The next morning I noticed he kept wiping his mouth on his sleeves. Again and again. He was able to walk on his own pretty well now. We ventured off again. When we decided to take a break I confronted him.

"Why do you keep wiping your mouth on your sleeves?"

"What do you mean?"

That's when it happened. When he spoke blood started to drip from his mouth.

"H-Hunter? Wh-why is there blood?"

"Huh? Oh!" He tried to hide it but failed.

"Let me see your sleeves." He reluctantly held his arms out. Tons of bloodstains met my eyes.

"What happened?"

"Probably what happens when a giant spike goes through your crushes stomach."

"You've been hiding this from me for 2 days?!?"


We sat in silence for a little bit. I was close to tears. He was so dependent on himself for so long and he still sees getting help as a dishonor. Then we heard a voice come from behind us.

"Hunter?!? Willow?!?"


Will update soon!


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