Chapter 19-Call me Willow

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Willow POV:


I heard a voice. Though I was probably imagining it. I heard Hunters voice then a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Hunter standing above me. He also had tears in his eyes. I turned away from him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-" he hesitated "it's a long story, but if you would listen-" 


"Trust me, it's not-"

"Why would I trust someone that TRICKED ME?!?" All of the sudden, vines erupted all around me. Surrounding me, my emotions took control. Then I heard Hunter scream, for some reason it made me feel good.

Feel the pain that I felt, jerk.


Hunter POV:

One of the vines wrapped around me, I dashed out and landed on the ground.

I can help.

Belos's voice was gone, the other voice was back.

A vine was about to slam on top of me.

Help please!

I raised my hands into the air and all the plants froze in place. Then I slashed at the main ball of vines that Willow was residing in. It opened and Willow stood there, looking livid. I came back to myself.

"Captain, please. I can explain." I held my hand out to her. She looked at me for a little bit, then took it. I felt a little warm again.

Willow POV:

I felt a little warm again. The crush filter was back on. We stared at each other for a little bit, hand in hand. Then I pulled him into a hug, he really did care about me. He knew how to help.

"Ok, I'll listen."


Hunter POV:

It was almost like a flashback. Willow was helping me climb the tree again and then we were sitting on the branch. The sun started to set again, just like last time. I turned to her and told her everything, the whole story. She seemed shocked to realize that Belos was talking to me in my head.

"I stayed away from you because I was worried I would hurt you again." I turned to her and smiled. "I would do anything to keep you out of harms way." Willow was staring at me with her mouth slightly open.

"Please, call me Willow." Just then, something wonderful happened. She put her arms around me and pulled my face closer to hers. She was kissing me. I didn't know how much time passed in that moment. Years could've passed and I wouldn't have noticed. Then we split apart. I just stared at her beautiful face. Then she started laughing.

"To think I would be kissing the golden guard!" She laughed even harder.

"To think I would kiss anybody." I said. Then laughter overcame me as well. After a few minutes we calmed down and looked at the horizon. Willow put her head on my shoulder.

"I love you so much, Hunter."

"I love you too, Willow."






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