Chapter 2-Crush love

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We investigated everything, but we found nothing. Apparently there's a group of rebels that have been gathering in the same spot every day, but haven't been able to finish their work. I fell into bed, many hours later. I was exhausted. As I was getting ready for bed there was a chime from my scroll. I walked over to it and saw that it was Willow! Captain, your not on first name basis.

I would love to be though.

Shut up! I wonder what she says? She was asking if I just wanted to talk. I responded with "Sure! What's up?"

What's up?!? I've never said that before! What's wrong with me?!?


The next day I was in Belos's room again.

"Your mind is distracted again, Hunter."

"I'm very sorry, sir."

One of his arms turned green and goopy. He slashed at my chest, blood spurted from the gash and stained my cloak. Tears were leaking from my eyes now. I blinked them back, I didn't want him to think I was weak. I tried my best to keep standing.

"Your word is becoming less and less trustworthy to me, Hunter."

"I'm sorry sir."

"You are excused."

I walked out the door, clutching my chest. I was walking back to my room when I ran into Darius.

"Be more careful."

"Sorry, sir."

He looked up and saw my bloodstained shirt.

"Did he...hurt you, again?" I nodded. He gave me some bandages. "Use these."

I walked up to my room and locked the door behind me. I took off my uniform and started bandaging the wound. Flapjack seemed worried.

"Don't worry Flapjack, I'm fine. I deserved it, for...being distracted."

Chirp chirp

"I was thinking about the Captain." Then there was a chime on my scroll. Willow was following up on our conversation.


Your moves were awesome! Where did you learn those flying skills?




For the emperors coven?




Wow, you're so cool.

She thought I was cool! My face started to get warm again. I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was red again too. An image formed in my mind. Willow was holding my hand as we walked underneath a huge tree, she was giggling at a joke I just made, she was looking at me like I was some sort of god. I snapped back to reality. I shouldn't be thinking that! Why was I thinking that?

What if she pulled herself closer to you and- No! No! No! No! Our relationship is completely platonic! These thoughts are completely normal platonic thoughts that platonic friends have! Right? I turned to Flapjack.

"I'm having weird feelings. Do you know what I should do?"

Chirp chirp  

"Do you want to go for a walk?"

I had some free time before I had to go up back to the castle so I walked around the city with Flapjack. It was nice to feel to fresh air on my face. After a little bit I saw a coven scout with a dent in their mask, they were just sitting on the curb. I walked over and sat next them.

"Whats going on?"

"Golden guard? What are you doing here?"

"Just had some free time. So, still haven't gotten a new mask yet?"

"Nope." Steve looked over at me then flinched.

"Um...what happened to your shirt?" I looked down and saw that I forgot to change out of my bloodstained shirt.

"Oh!'s laundry day. I had nothing else to where."

"But...why is there so much blood?"

"Oh don't worry! It's all mine."


"Th-that's not comforting. You do get why that's not comforting, right?"

"Yeah, um, anyways. Can I ask you something?"

"Sure! Fire away!"

"Well I met this girl and for some reason she won't leave my head and-" I told him the whole story. 

"That sounds like a crush to me."

"A crush? What does that mean?"

"It means your in love."


A couple minutes later I ran up to my room, panting. I sat on my bed, trying to calm down. After I finally did I facepalmed. In the middle of my conversation with Steve I saw Willow shopping in the distance with her dads. So I just ran away. I felt so dumb. Why had I done that? I thought about what Steve had told me. He said I was in love. But everyone always describes love as this wonderful, amazing feeling. All I felt was my sweat. Why did I run away? It was less of a love feeling and more of a scared one. But what was I scared of? Was I scared she would see me? Was I scared of her talking to me?

You were scared she would hear you talking about how cute she is. For once I actually agreed with that voice in the back of my head. So it went on a joyride.

It's a different type of love, it's a crush love. 

But what's the difference?

The difference is she doesn't know. If you were to tell her it would get better.

No. I'll just keep it a secret.

For the rest of your life?


So your just going to watch as she gets with guy after guy, devastated that she can't find  her soulmate?

I'm not her soulmate!

Uh-huh yeah definitely. Also it's time to go talk to Belos.

You suck.

Too bad I'm you.

Chapter 2 done! I hope you liked it!

I'm very proud of the "it's all mine" joke


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