Chapter 5-Scars

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I was silently panicking. How did Luz find out?

I mean, she just watched you and Willow get all embarrassed for, like, 10 minutes. 

Shut up! I'm done with you! We have to think on ways to get Willow out of this mess!

I, I have to think on ways to get Willow out of this mess.

There was a sudden knock on the door, I flinched. Hooty told us who it was.

"Hey! Why are there coven scouts here? Are one of you guys a wanted crrrrrrrrriminal?"

It was Willows turn to flinch. Luz also looked panicked. 

"Don't worry! I got this! Luz, take Captain and go hide upstairs!"

They both ran to the stairs. I took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"Don't worry, I searched the whole place. No sign of her."

The scouts looked confused. Then they shrugged and walked off. I let out a sigh of relief. These guys are so easy to fool. But Belos is a different story. I called out to Willow and Luz.

"Ok! There're gone! But I have to go to the castle!"

Then I walked off, not even waiting for an answer.


I arrived at the castle a couple minutes later. As soon as I sat down on my bed. There was a knock on my door. I heard Kikimoras voice.

"The emperor would like to see you, Golden Guard." I gulped. This can't be good. I walked over to his room and walked in. I bowed again.

"You requested-" he cut me off.

"Where are you hiding her, Hunter?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about-" his arm turned green and goopy again and he slashed at my stomach this time. Again, blood spurt from the wound, staining my cloak even more. I fell to my knees. Tears streaming onto my face. He slashed again, this time at my face. The blood mixing with my salty tears. 

"You are getting weaker. It hurts every time you chose to disobey. You are ex-"

But I didn't even wait for him to finish. I left the room. I was running to mine, blood dripping on the floor. I slammed the door, locked it, and flew out the window on Flapjack. I was half hazardously flying, one hand on the staff, one clutching my stomach, trying to stem the flow. I landed in front of The Owl House and burst through the door. Willow and Luz looked at me, then Willow jumped up and ran over to me.

"Hunter!" She was trying to help me stay standing. Luz came over and sat me down on the couch. Eda popped her head in from the kitchen.

"Hey! Keep it down in ther- oh! That's a lot of blood!" There was some clattering and she walked over with a potion in her hand. 

"Drink this." I didn't even hesitate. I grabbed the potion and downed it. I saw the worried faces of everyone, staring at me. Then I was out.


I woke up, laying on the couch. I just laid there, staring at the ceiling as the memories of what just happened entered my mind. I felt bandages around my stomach and face. I didn't move. I didn't want to feel any more pain then I already have. I thought about what to do next.

You'll have to live here with Willow.

I guess...

She seemed very worried about you.

My face was getting warm again. Then I heard a voice.

"I think he's awake." Said Luz

I heard footsteps getting closer to me. I sat up, leaning against the back of the sofa, aching all over. It was dark outside, then I saw Eda. 

"Hey kid, you good?" She asked. I could see Luz and Willow behind her, looking worried. I turned back to Eda.

"Mentally or physically? Because no."

Eda laughed.

"I like this kid, he's funny."

"How long was I out for?"

"Couple hours. But, you need to heal a little more. But, before we do that, These two have requested you explain what happened." She gestured toward Luz and Willow. 

"I-I..." for some reason I was slightly weepy. But I told them everything, everything that Belos had done, everything that had happened to me, and everything that I knew about him. They were shocked. I sat there in tears. I was trying to wipe them away. Then Willow got up and hugged me. I was getting really warm now. I looked over her shoulder to see Luz writing in her notepad again.

Luz POV:

I wrote on my notepad:

Research note 1: Hunters face literally looks like a tomato when Willow hugs him. But how about Willows feelings???

Luz legit like a scientist. She know what up. 

Hopefully you liked it!


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