Chapter 13: Starting Over

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*2 hours later*

They all grabbed their phones, chargers, and whatever they brought with them to the hospital. Laura and Kelly brought a t-shirt and sweatpants for Jess to wear when she got of the hospital. They piled into Michael's car. Michael was still upset so he sat in the back with Luke, Kelly sat in the passenger seat next to Ashton, leaving Jess, Calum, and Laura in the middle. "We should stop at the mall or something cause all we have is the clothes we are wearing, our phones, and a car" Laura said.

"Yeah, we need something. We're going to Florida we need summer stuff" Jess said.

"It's the middle of Fall, where are we going to fine summer clothing?" Ashton asked.

"You'll be surprised what you find down here" Kelly said.

"Fine, someone look up the closest mall. By the way do any of you girls have money?" Ashton asked.

"I have my wallet" Kelly said.

"Same" Laura said.

"No, I only thing I have is my phone and charger" Jess said sadly. Luke reached over and grabbed her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Jess. You were in the hospital, I'll paid for you" He said.

"Thanks Luke, you don't have too"

"Want too" She smiled.

"Oh, Jess, Laura" They both look at Kelly. "We have to go to Hot Topic if they have one, they are having a sale on everything today"

"I've been wanting to go there" Jess said jumping up and down in her seat.

"Me too" Laura said.

"Isn't that store like really expensive" Luke said.

"When there's sale, it's not" Kelly, Laura, and Jess said at the same time.

They were driving for a while until Kelly told Ashton there was a shopping center just down the road. He drove for a while, and then turned into the Mall they down there. He parked the car by a Macy's and they filed into the main entrance. "Ok, so you guys go to your girly store and we will all meet at the food court in an hour or so" Michael said.

The girls glared at Michael and walked away. "Wait!" Jess said hopping back to boys.

"What?" Calum asked.

"I need Luke, remember"

"Oh yeah, I catch up with you guys later" Luke said walking away with Jess.

"Ok then" Michael said. They started walking around until they went into a store and started looking around. "So how come you didn't offer to buy anything for Jess?" He asked Calum.

"I don't know, it's like she's doing it again. Distancing herself away from me again" Calum said looking through some clothes.

"She's your girlfriend, plus she know what happen when she did that the first time. She's not going to do it again"

"He's right, you know" Ashton said behind him making Calum jump.

"Dude, yeah ok. I just don't want it to happen again"

"It won't. Now find something" Ashton said walking away.

Calum kept looking through the clothes until find about 4 shirts, 2 pairs of black skinny jeans, and 3 beanies, he paid and waited for Ash and Mike to be done in this store. One of the employees walked up to him. "Need any help?" She asked.

"No, just waiting for my friends to be done" Calum said not even looking at her.

"Are you sure?" She asked again.

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