The world is truly beautiful. Everything feels just right. The bright blue skies transform into breath-taking orange, yellows and golds. Droplets of water catching the sunlight and splitting into a mystical rainbow of pure light. The blue waves rising and falling by the power of the moon. All of this isn't just science, no, it's just a little bit of magic.
Leprechauns may not be at the end of a rainbow and fairies might not be in a forest but they are everywhere. They are like angels, powerful creatures that can soar through the clouds and bless the ground they walk on, only revealing themselves when they so choose. Beings so powerful yet unknown, their kind doesn't have a name. They bring beauty to the world, They use that tiny drop of magic.
Every day of every waking moment, they are at work. They weave the beams of light to form a blanket of hues. They hold up the blossoms hiding upon the grass so they can bloom even bigger. They guide the waves into a beautiful symphony, in their presence the sun shines even brighter.
The clouds are sacred to them. So beautiful and divine, forming shapes reflecting colors and shielding the humans from the scorching light. The beings treat every cloud, puffing it into shapes, moving them in a gentle rhythm, causing the rain to fall from them and show the rainbow they previously woven. In return the clouds thank them, unlike the waves or the sun. The clouds become brighter, each and every one of them revealing a silver lining, gifting them for the drop of magic.
So why does the sun shine so brightly? Why do the waves dance so hypnotizingly? Why are the clouds in such perfect shapes, giving protection and gifts to all. It's them, they're everywhere, and when you gaze into nature in its purest form, so beautiful, thank them.
One month writing challenge!
NouvellesI'm writing a story everyday for the month of July, to see if giving myself a challenge to complete will stop me from procrastinating. If I miss a day hold me accountable and me what to write, and remember I'm always open to any feedback. Let's see...