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Y/n's POV

"So......." Dustin started awkwardly. I was sitting on a couch in the basement, all the boys and Jane were standing in front of me.

"How long were you in the upside downs." Mike finished. I just stayed quiet, they don't need to know anything.

"Hello? Are you gonna answer us?" Lucas started getting impatient.

"You don't need to know anything about me." I answer with a straight face.

"N/n, they're your friends," Jane said, sitting beside me.

"No Jane, they're your friends. I don't have friends," I told her. Looking down at my hands.

"What do you mean you don't have friends? Everyone has friends!" Dustin exclaimed happily, putting his arm around Will.

"Obviously your life is a lot better then mine," I answered simply.

"Well then I'm Dustin, and I'm your new best friend!" He said smiling.

"I don't need friends," I stated, getting up. I started walking towards the stairs.

"Hey, where are you going? Hopper told you to stay here," Dustin asked, obviously confused.

"Well," I looked around the basement, "he's not here to stop me sooo,"

I ran straight up the stairs and out the front door. Karen didn't even care to ask where I was going.

I started walking down the sidewalk.

"Hey wait!" I heard Lucas yell from behind me.

I started running.

I kept running until I reach a cliff.

"I think I lost them," I sighed, and sat down on the edge of the cliff. I wasn't gonna jump, it was just pretty.

"You realize Dad's gonna be mad at you," El said sitting beside me.

"Dad?" I asked. Will sat on the other sides me.

"Jim adopted her early this year," Will explained.

"You talk?" I asked, immediately cringing at my insensitive question.

"Yeah," he laughed.

"Hey best friend!" Dustin said hugging me from behind.

"Hey Dustin," I said. He smiled, I obviously didn't. Will stood up and Dustin took his place.

"Why are you always sad?" He asked.

"I'm not sad," I told him.

"Then why aren't you smiling?" He asked.

"Because I don't like smiling," I stated.

"That's dumb," Dustin frowned.

"Shouldn't we get back to my house?" Mike asked, unlike every other time he's talked to me, he said this sweetly.

"Yeah, probably." I said.

They got on their bikes and Jane got on the back of Mike's. I just stood there awkwardly.

"You can sit on the back of mine," Will offered smiling.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

Everyone was in front of us chatting away, but me and Will were quiet.

"I-I'm sorry about what happened to you," I said breaking the silence, "You went through so much, and you still smile. I'm such a cry baby,"

"Hey, you were stuck in that place for 4 years! I was only in there for a week and I almost died! To me that's not being a cry baby," Will said happily.

"No, you don't understand. I stopped smiling way before the upside down," I said.

"So what. I'm sure you went through a lot,"

"Yeah, I guess I did," I said.

"Now Smile," He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Smile!" He chuckled.



"I don't Smile,"

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