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Your POV


I jumped awake and was met with the angry face of Jim Hopper, my eyes slowly trailed down to his hand, which was holding a familiar burnt pillow.

"Oh.. umm.. I may or may not have found out my ability," I said smiling awkwardly. I watched as his face morphed from anger to shock in the matter of seconds, "and I also smiled for the first time in nine years,"

Jim looked at me like he wanted to ask something but knew I wouldn't answer.

"I can tell you," I sighed, "y'know about my past,"

"You can tell it to us," he said pointing behind him, I glanced behind him seeing none other then Doctor Owens.

"Sup Doco," I spoke using finger guns.

"Don't call me that,"

"Don't call you what," I asked as if clueless.

"Don't call me what you just called me,"

"I don't know what your talking about Doco," I said making my way to Janes room.

"Don't call me Do-"

"Lalalalalalalalalala" I yelled as I slipped into the bedroom, chuckling to myself.

I picked out an outfit. Noticing that Wills sweater was folded nicely on the dresser. I grabbed that along with a pair of blue jeans, slipping them on over my body.
I made sure that you could see my
Golden friendship necklace.

I walked out of the bedroom.

"Is that Will's sweater?" Jim asked pointing to the sweater.

"Is that Joyce's Lipstick?" I asked poking his cheek.
He cleared his throat awkwardly before continuing to change the topic.

"So, you said you ready to talk?" He said taking off his hat.

"Yep," I spoke softly as I made my way towards the kitchen table.

"Also you owe me a pillow,"


I had finished telling the two older men, I had barely shed a tear, which I guessed was a result of telling it multiple times before.

"So your telling me that you don't have recollection of how you got that tattoo," Doco said looking at me with confusion. I shook my head, "your from Canada right?"


"I wonder-"

"If there are other labs," Jim finished Doco's sentence. My eyes widened in realization.

"How did I get out of the Upside Down if Jane closed the gate," the words flew out of my mouth and before the two men could reply, I was up and out the front door.

I had to go back to where I had first came back.

I ran leaves and branches hitting me constantly, as my bare feet hit the hard ground.

Grabbing shoes might have been a good idea.

I ran until i reached the large clearing, from where I first entered Hawkins.

There was a single tree in the middle many flowers surrounding it.

The scenery was beautiful the fall colours matched perfect with the beautiful yellow flowers sprinkle over the ground.

I stalked towards the tree, minding where I step as to not hurt my feet.

Once I reached it I laid my hand on it.

Suddenly the wood started moving revealing a slimy gate.
I stepped back in shock realization had hit me.

I just opened a gate to an alternate dimension.

I eyed the tree wearily, as it started to move. In the matter of seconds a hand had popped out . I turned and was about to run.


A females voice screamed out for me. I had a short internal debate with myself before grabbing the girls hand and pulling her out of the gate.

She was unhealthily thin and redheaded her broken glasses laid lopsided on her nose.

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