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Y/n's POV

I was walking down the street, I had already explored most of Hawkins, at least the parts that are in the main city. I was now heading back to where I saw the arcade.

"Hey," an unfamiliar voice said. I turned around and saw a random guy around my age.

"Umm, Hi?" I awkwardly greeted the boy. Why would he just come up to me like that?

"I'm Troy," he said smirking slightly. He was giving me bad vibes.

"Cool," I simply replied, not wanting anything to do with him.

"So, um, why are you walking alone?" Troy asked, clearly sensing my awkwardness.

" 'cause I want to," I replied in a somewhat passive-aggressive voice.

"Do you want to hang with me and my friends?" He asked, suddenly sounding a lot more sure of himself.

"No thanks," I answered quickly. I started to walk away, before I could walk even a foot Troy grabbed onto my wrist.

"Why not?" He asked between clenched teeth.

"Because, I don't want to?" I said, questioning his logic. His grip on my wrist tightened.

"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice yell. I turned to my left to see Will, he was biking along the street with Mike, "Get away from her!"

"What are you gonna do about it faggot!" Troy yelled back, Will glared at him and Troy just laughed maniacally. I tried to pull away form his grip.

"Let her go!" Mike yelled. I dug my nails into his wrist, instead of letting go like I thought he would, he slapped me across the face. I brought my free hand to my cheek. My lip trembled.

He was just like my dad...

"Y/n!" Will yelled, dropping his bike and running over to me. He ripped Troys hand from my wrist and embraced me in a tight hug. I just cried into his shoulder.


I was sitting in Mike's basement, I was on his couch while Will and him sat at there D&D table. I had finally calmed done after what happened with Troy.

"So, How did you meet Troy?" Will asked awkwardly. How cute.

"He walked up to me randomly and said 'Hey'" I stated.

"And then what?" Will asked, clearly wanting to hear the whole story.

"I said 'Hi', then he introduced himself, and I said 'cool', he then asked me if I wanted to hang out I said no and boom! He goes crazy!¡" I told the story as if it was the most amazing thing ever. Will laughed and I saw Mike stifle a laugh in the background.

"You are very goofy for a person who doesn't smile," Will said between laughs.

"You are very dumb for a person who loves school," I fired back. For a minute Will struggled to figure out if I was serious or not. I mean you can't blame, I don't really show any signs of happiness. I gave a thumbs up and he smiled. He's so adorable.

"Hey N/n, why did you start crying when Troy slapped you? I mean he didn't even hit you that hard," Mike asked.

"I-I rather not answer that," I stammered. I looked at Will and he had a worried expression on his face, "I'll tell you guys when I'm ready,"

"Oh okay," Will said, he seemed a little disappointed.

I got up walked over to Will and gave him a hug. He seemed shocked at first but eventually he relaxed into the hug.

"I promise you'll be the first boy I tell," I whispered in his ear.

I pulled away from the hug, to see Will's cheeks stained with a rosy pink colour.

I have friends. Wow.

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