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Nancy's POV

"Barb..!" I exclaimed, this can't be true there is no way that my best friend was here.

She looked different. The normally curvy girl was the size of a twig, her fiery red hair was now down to her shoulders, and her usual warm brown eyes were replaced with a dull almost grey colour.

"Nance?" She said not believing her eyes. We both ran up to each other meeting in the middle with a loving hug.

"I thought you were dead!"

"So did everyone else," Hopper said. He's not one for lovey dovey stuff, "We need to figure this out,"

Your POV

Jim sent all of us 'children' to Jane's room. Which was stupid considering I was the one who found Barbara.

Jane was sitting cross legged on her bed, talking to Mike who was sitting across from her. Max, Dustin and Lucas were chilling in the corner laughing about something. And me and Will sat silently my head on his shoulder, and his head on mine.

"I don't trust her," I whispered, he took his head off mine and gave a confused look, "Barbara, there's something off about her,"

"You need to calm down," he said looking slightly amused, "your such a theorist."

"Why is that a bad thing?" I asked smiling at him jokingly.

"It isn't," he just stared at me for a little bit, "I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing you smile,"

"I don't think I'll ever get used to doing it.

"N/n," he spoke quietly, "what are we?"

This was a question I was hoping to avoid. As much as I like Will, I was scared. Everyone I had ever deeply cared for left and I couldn't handle him leaving too.

"I don't know," I said moving my head to stare at the ground, "don't get me wrong I really like you Will, it's just-" I took a deep breath, "it's been awhile since I cared so much for someone and-"

"I won't leave you," He whispered. I felt my heart flutter.



I leant my head back against his shoulder, this time snuggling closer than I did before. My eyes traveled around the room until they landed on someone.


I had been so immature in handling him. Of course he wasn't going to trust me, he was just trying to protect his friends.

I sighed deeply before quietly telling Will that I'll be right back.

I stood up abruptly and it seemed every eye in the room traveled to me, but I didn't mind. I made my way over to Lucas and gulped.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked, he nodded. I looked to Max and Dustin and it seemed Max immediately got the memo, she stood up and started walking away, before turning around to look at Dustin. He was just sitting there smiling.

"Dustin get over here!" Max whisper-yelled. It seemed that Dustin finally seemed to figure it out, as he quickly scrambled away, leaving just me and Lucas in the corner.

"So why'd you want to talk to me?" He asked awkwardly. I sat down and began to talk.

"I wanted to apologize," he shot me a confused gaze, "for lashing out at you. All you were doing was trying to protect your friends, and I acted immaturely."

"No, I should apologize, I was the one who was instigating. It's my fault."

"It really isn't. And don't argue with me I don't want all this to be for nothing," I chuckled.

He raised his hands in surrender and laughed along with me.

If I had been paying more attention I would've noticed the approving looks from my friends.

But little did I know I would soon be taking a risk that could mean never seeing them again.


OooooOoooh spoOky. By the way this book is gonna end soon. It was my first fanfiction and it was pretty shitty but I learned a lot from it. There will only be a few more chapters.
Also there won't be a sequel as season 3 will be coming out and nothing will make sense.

P.s. I'm probably gonna start writing an Eleven/Jane fanfic but that won't be for a while.

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