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Your POV

"Are you ok!?" I asked, concern laced in my voice. The girl was coughing violently and her eyes were bloodshot, "Sorry dumb question,"

"It's fine," she said after finished her coughing fit, she readjusted her glasses and looked up at me, "Who are you?" She asked curiously, narrowing her eyes at me as if trying to figure out if she had seen me before.

"My name is Y/n L/n, you are?"

"Barbara Holland,"

"Well Barbara, what the fuck is happening." I said as more of a statement then a question.

"I have no idea."


"I thought you were dead," Jim said looking at Barb.
After I brought her home she had taken a shower and put on some of Jane and I's clothes.

"When you came near where I was, I heard you yelling I couldn't tell what you were saying, but I was scared that you were the men that had come in before. I had asked them to help me out but t-they said no and tried to
burn me. So, I p-pretended to be dead" she explained choking back tears, the poor girl.

"They didn't want her and Will escaping," I said my eyes widening in realization.

"What?" Jim asked.

"They we're trying to cover their tracks, when they planted Will's body and moved Barbs car, they were getting rid of evidence that something had happened. So they tried to keep them inside, because if they had actually killed them they would of had a murder to cover up too," I said astonished at my own ability to connect the dots.

"I want to see Nancy," Barb weeped hugging her own body.

Nancy's POV

I was in the kitchen doing homework when the phone started ringing I jumped slightly at the noise.

"Nance it's for you!" I heard my mom yell from the living room. I got up and made my way over to her, "here," she said handing me the phone.

"Hello?" I said monotonous.

"Hey, it's Hop," the older mans voice spoke from the other end.

"Hop? What's up?" I asked curiosity laced in my words.

"You need to get to my place now." The urgency in his voice sent chills down my spine.


"Just come, and bring Mike," he rushed, before I could utter a word he had hung up.

I let out a long sigh and made my way to the basement.

"Mike!" I yelled wanting his attention, as I got to the bottom of the stairs I noticed that Lucas, Dustin, Will and Max were there too, "We have to go to Hops place," I rushed out just wanting to get this over with.


"I don't know he said to get over there now," I said frustrated, why so many questions.

I may seem pissy right now but I have my reasons. Me and Jonathan have been in a rough patch lately, with the anniversary of Barbs death and the day Will got trapped in the upside down coming up, we were both stressed.

"Come on!" I groaned loudly, and with that they were up an going up the stairs.

We walked outside prepared to ride our bikes, when a yell caught our attention.

"Get in losers!"

We all turned to see Steve sitting in his car.
I looked at the boys and Max and shrugged, making my way over to his car, they all followed close behind.

Considering that Mike, Will and Max were literally twigs, all five of the kids were able to fit in the back while I sat in the passenger seat.

"Ow Lucas that's my toe!" Max.

"Shit! Max you just elbowed me in the ribs!" Dustin.

"Mike! You literally just punched me in the nose!" Will.

"Dustin your sitting on my hand." Mike.

"Will, if you kick me one more time I'm gonna lose it!" Lucas.
"THATS IT!" Lucas yelled like a war cry. Right as he was about to hit Will-

"Will you guys shut it!" Steve yelled, causing all of their attentions to snap to him.

Long story short the rest of the drive was quiet.


We made it too Hops house noticing that we weren't the only ones there. The Byers' car was out front along with Hops and some other one.
Steve quickly jumped out of the car, and did a quick headcount as everyone else got out.

What a mom.

Your POV

I was sitting nervously my knee bounced up and down, as I chewed my lip.

Something didn't seem right, this isn't right. I don't trust this Barbara girl one bit.

Joyce and Jonathan has gotten heat around 5 minutes ago, while doco was questioning Barbara.

My thoughts were interrupted when knocking was heard at the door. My head snapped towards it and Hopper gave me a weird look.

It opened to reveal, a girl who I assumed was Nancy, the party, and some random guy with great hair.

As soon as Will caught my eye, we started walking each other. Once reached him I slipped my hand into his intertwining our fingers.

I looked towards Nancy who was wearing a shocked expression on her face. I traced her stare back to Barbara, who was for the first time since I've met her smiling, genuinely smiling.


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